Modem Thomson


Power Member
Boas, gostava de saber o que é o Bit Error Rate que aparece no diagnostico da pagina do meu modem, pois desde um reboot que tive na sexta, este valor passou de 0.000% para 0.014 %, aparentemente está tudo ok, já testei as velocidades e estão como sempre.
Já agora quais os valores optimos ou parametros ( SNR, TXT,...) para o modem estar "afinadinho".

Qual é o teu isp? Clix? és cliente ADSL? Em ADSL o SNR Margin não deve estar abaixo dos 10 db para que a ligação esteja estável mas isso pode depender....
bit error rate


- In telecommunication transmission, the bit error rate (BER) is the percentage of bits that have errors relative to the total number of bits received in a transmission, usually expressed as ten to a negative power. For example, a transmission might have a BER of 10 to the minus 6, meaning that, out of 1,000,000 bits transmitted, one bit was in error. The BER is an indication of how often a packet or other data unit has to be retransmitted because of an error. Too high a BER may indicate that a slower data rate would actually improve overall transmission time for a given amount of transmitted data since the BER might be reduced, lowering the number of packets that had to be resent. A BERT (bit error rate test or tester) is a procedure or device that measures the BER for a given transmission.

O Google é sempre um amigo!:)