Browser Mozilla Firefox

125.0.1 Firefox Release

Version 125.0.1, first offered to Release channel users on April 16, 2024



  • Firefox now supports the AV1 codec for Encrypted Media Extensions (EME), enabling higher-quality playback from video streaming providers.
  • The Firefox PDF viewer now supports text highlighting.
    Screenshot showing new PDF text highlighting feature


    This feature is part of a progressive roll out.
    What is a progressive roll out?
  • Firefox View now displays pinned tabs in the Open tabs section. Tab indicators have also been added to Open tabs, so users can do things like see which tabs are playing media and quickly mute or unmute across windows. Indicators were also added for bookmarks, tabs with notifications, and more!
    Screenshot showing a pinned tab in a different window with the media playback indicator visible in Firefox View
  • Firefox now prompts users in the US and Canada to save their addresses upon submitting an address form, allowing Firefox to autofill stored address information in the future.
  • Firefox now more proactively blocks downloads from URLs that are considered to be potentially untrustworthy.
  • The URL Paste Suggestion feature provides a convenient way for users to quickly visit URLs copied to the clipboard in the address bar of Firefox. When the clipboard contains a URL and the URL bar is focused, an autocomplete result appears automatically. Activating the clipboard suggestion will navigate the user to the URL with 1 click.
  • Users of tab-specific Container add-ons can now search in the Address Bar for tabs that are open in different containers. Special thanks to volunteer contributor atararx for kicking off the work on this feature!
  • Firefox now provides an option to enable Web Proxy Auto-Discovery (WPAD) while configured to use system proxy settings.





  • In a group of radio buttons where no option is selected, the tab key now only reaches the first option rather than cycling through all available options. The arrow keys navigate between options as they do when there is a selected option. This makes keyboard navigation more efficient and consistent.





  • Developer Information
  • Following several requests, we have reintroduced the option to disable the Pause Debugger Overlay (devtools.debugger.features.overlay). This overlay appears over the page content when the debugger pauses JavaScript execution. In certain scenarios, the overlay can be intrusive, making it challenging to interact with the page, for instance, evaluating shades of color underneath.
  • We've added a new drop-down menu button at the bottom of the source view in the Debugger panel, specifically designed for Source Map related actions. Users can now easily disable or enable Source Maps support, open the Source Map file in a new tab, switch between the original source and the generated bundle, toggle the "open original source by default" option, and view the Source Map status such as errors, loading status, etc.
    Screenshot showing new Source Map options drop-down menu


Web Platform​

  • Firefox now supports the popover global attribute used for designating an element as a popover element. The element won't be rendered until it is made visible, after which it will appear on top of other page content.
  • WebAssembly multi-memory is now enabled by default. Wasm multi-memory allows wasm modules to use and import multiple independent linear memories. This enables more efficient interoperability between modules and provides better polyfills for upcoming wasm standards, such as the component model.
  • Added support for Unicode Text Segmentation to JavaScript.
  • Added support for contextlost and contextrestored events on HTMLCanvasElement and OffscreenCanvas to allow user code to recover from context loss with hardware accelerated 2d canvas.
  • Firefox now supports the navigator.clipboard.readText() web API. A paste context menu will appear for the user to confirm when attempting to read clipboard data not provided by the same-origin page.
  • Added support for the content-box and stroke-box keywords of the transform-box CSS property.
  • The align-content property now works in block layout, allowing block direction alignment without needing a flex or grid container.
  • Support for SVGAElement.text was removed in favor of the more widely-implemented SVGAElement.textContent method.


Community Contributions​

  • With the release of Firefox 125, we are pleased to welcome the developers who contributed their first code change to Firefox in this release, 12 of whom were brand new volunteers! Please join us in thanking each of these diligent and enthusiastic individuals, and take a look at their contributions:
Nunca percebi muito bem essa de deixar tabs abertas durante dias a fio. Uns bookmarks organizados resolvem essa questão, sem andar com centenas ou milhares de tabs abertas até porque navegar entre elas ainda mais trabalho deve dar. Para além que o Firefox a longo prazo deve atrofiar um bocado mesmo que até o tenhas todo quitado.
Já eu, com a idade q tenho, mantenho o hábito q adquiri em novo, qd a RAM e o poder de processamento eram menores.
Fecho tudo o q é aba e aplicação q não esteja a usar
Com o restauro de sessão ligado, de cada vez que se abre o Firefox os tabs estão lá, mas não gastam grandes recursos enquanto não se entre no tab.
Com o restauro de sessão ligado, de cada vez que se abre o Firefox os tabs estão lá, mas não gastam grandes recursos enquanto não se entre no tab.
Se usarmos simple tab groups os que estão em background são adormecidos. Costumo separar os separadores por temas/tarefas.
Versão 126.0 já disponível via FTP 😁

126.0 Firefox Release​

May 14, 2024

Version 126.0, first offered to Release channel users on May 14, 2024



  • The Copy Without Site Tracking option can now remove parameters from nested URLs. It also includes expanded support for blocking over 300 tracking parameters from copied links, including those from major shopping websites. Keep those trackers away when sharing links!
    screenshot of the context menu when right clicking a URL and demonstrating the Copy Without Site Tracking option
  • Firefox now supports Content-encoding: zstd (zstandard compression). This is an alternative to broti and gzip compression for web content, and can provide higher compression levels for the same CPU used, or conversely lower server CPU use to get the same compression. This is heavily used on sites such as Facebook.
  • Catalan is now available in Firefox Translations.
  • Enabled AV1 hardware decode acceleration on macOS for M3 Macs.
  • Telemetry was added to create an aggregate count of searches by category to broadly inform search feature development. These categories are based on 20 high-level content types, such as "sports,” "business," and "travel". This data will not be associated with specific users and will be collected using OHTTP to remove IP addresses as potentially identifying metadata. No profiling will be performed, and no data will be shared with third parties. (read more)





  • The URL Paste Suggestion feature added in Fx125 was temporarily disabled while the team investigates a potential performance issue. The feature will be re-enabled in a future release once the performance issue is addressed.






Web Platform​



  • On macOS, the text in the Crash Reporter dialog box is not localized for the non-en-US locales. This is tracked under Bug 1896097 and we will rollout a fix in a future release.
Última edição:
Versão 126.0.1

Version 126.0.1, first offered to Release channel users on May 28, 2024
  • Fixed an issue with reading tagged PDF documents in a screen reader. (Bug 1894849)
  • Fixed not displaying localized text for non-en-US locales in the Crash Reporter dialog box on macOS. (Bug 1896097)
  • Fixed issues with drag-and-drop functionality on Linux. (Bug 1897115)
  • Fixed an issue causing high GPU memory usage on certain versions of AMD cards. (Bug 1897006)
Versão 127.0 já disponível.

Version 127.0, first offered to Release channel users on June 11, 2024


  • You can now set Firefox to automatically launch whenever you start or restart your Windows computer. Setting Firefox to auto-launch optimizes efficiency in our browser-centric digital routines, eliminating manual startup delays and facilitating immediate web access. (Learn more)
  • We completed work to optimize and enable DNS prefetching for HTTPS documents via the rel="dns-prefetch" link hint. This standard allows web developers to specify domain names for important assets that should be resolved preemptively.
  • It is now possible to close all duplicate tabs in a window with the Close duplicate tabs command available from the List all tabs widget in the tab bar or a tab context menu.
  • Firefox will now automatically try to upgrade <img>, <audio>, and <video> elements from HTTP to HTTPS if they are embedded within an HTTPS page. If these so-called mixed content elements do not support HTTPS, they will no longer load.
  • For added protection on MacOS and Windows, a device sign in (e.g. your operating system password, fingerprint, face or voice login if enabled) can be required when accessing and filling stored passwords in the Firefox Password Manager about:logins page.



  • To reduce user fingerprinting information and the risk of some website compatibility issues, the CPU architecture for 32-bit x86 Linux will now be reported as x86_64 in Firefox's User-Agent string and navigator.platform and navigator.oscpu Web APIs.
  • Links and other focusable elements are now tab-navigable by default on macOS, instead of following macOS' "Keyboard navigation" setting. This is a more accessible default and matches the default in all other platforms. A checkbox in the settings page still allows users to restore the old behavior.
  • The Screenshots feature in Firefox has gotten a big update! It now supports taking screenshots of file types like SVG, XML, and more as well as various about: pages within Firefox. We've also made the screenshot tool more accessible to everyone by implementing new keyboard shortcuts and adding theme compatibility and High Contrast Mode (HCM) support. And finally, performance for capturing large screenshots has been improved.
Última edição:
Acedo a um site pelo firefox android onde é perciso localização. Acontece que eu quero deixar permitir sempre, mas esta-me sempre a preguntar pela permissao.
Já fui a permissoes site > exceptions e mesmo assim pede.

Alguma dica?
Nas definições, tens a opção de 'Eliminar dados de navegação ao sair' activa? Se sim, abres e retira o ✓ das permissões do site.
Estou com um problema.
Quando tento abrir o firefox ele não abre só se reiniciar o pc .
Vou ao gestor de tarefas e cada vez que faço click no icone do firefox aparece um processo do firefox e volto a click e aparece mais um e assim sucessivamente , mas como disse nunca chega abrir. O que faço desinstalo e volto a instalar ? não me apetecia nada por causa das passwords que já estão memorizadas.
Podes tentar arrancar em modo de segurança para perceber se foi algum extra que foi atualizado entretanto e está a impedir o Firefox de arrancar:

No teu caso, deves manter a tecla Shift enquanto abres o Firefox, ou então abrir uma linha de comandos e escrever

firefox.exe -safe-mode

Se desta forma abrir, podes experimentar desinstalar alguns extras para ver se passa a arrancar ou então usar esta ferramenta: