I folded Myself
New FAH software client: V7.4.15 in open beta testing
August 23, 2016 by Vijay Pande ·
I am happy to announce we have a new client ready for beta testing. This client makes some important improvements over the v7.4.4 release. In addition to a number of bug fixes, this release adds better support for matching the number of CPUs available on a system to the number of CPUs projects can actually handle. This will get some Folding@home clients, which are currently not getting work, folding again.
We also have added our first 64-bit release for Windows. Due to the number of Windows clients, we have prioritized the Windows beta test, but the OSX release should be available for testing soon. Finally, we have made improvements to GPU detection but more works remains. We hope to solve the current problems with multi-GPU detection during this open-beta test.
Our internal testing team has worked extensively testing this new release. We believe it is in good shape but it is essential that we test the code on a broader variety of machines. If you do run in to problems with this beta software please post a message at with your OS version, the client package you installed, what you expected to happen and what actually happened. Posting log files is also very helpful.
As always, we greatly appreciate the efforts of those who help us test our software. Correctly functioning and efficient software is a huge part of making Folding@home successful and ultimately finding cures for diseases. We look forward to hearing from you in the forums!
More details can be found in the forum: FAHClient V7.4.15 (Open-Beta)
August 23, 2016 by Vijay Pande ·
I am happy to announce we have a new client ready for beta testing. This client makes some important improvements over the v7.4.4 release. In addition to a number of bug fixes, this release adds better support for matching the number of CPUs available on a system to the number of CPUs projects can actually handle. This will get some Folding@home clients, which are currently not getting work, folding again.
We also have added our first 64-bit release for Windows. Due to the number of Windows clients, we have prioritized the Windows beta test, but the OSX release should be available for testing soon. Finally, we have made improvements to GPU detection but more works remains. We hope to solve the current problems with multi-GPU detection during this open-beta test.
Our internal testing team has worked extensively testing this new release. We believe it is in good shape but it is essential that we test the code on a broader variety of machines. If you do run in to problems with this beta software please post a message at with your OS version, the client package you installed, what you expected to happen and what actually happened. Posting log files is also very helpful.
As always, we greatly appreciate the efforts of those who help us test our software. Correctly functioning and efficient software is a huge part of making Folding@home successful and ultimately finding cures for diseases. We look forward to hearing from you in the forums!
More details can be found in the forum: FAHClient V7.4.15 (Open-Beta)