Wii New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Entrevista com Miyamoto:

Wired.com: You said you had the idea to do a four-player Mario game for a long time. Had you ever actually done any prototypes of such a game on other hardware?

Miyamoto: With each (Mario) project, we do different experiments. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do. We’ve done games in the past where we’ve had the idea and worked on it. But with side-scrolling games, the challenge was that the screen continues to scroll forward, and what happens when the other player falls off the screen? With Mario 64, we had an experiment that took advantage of the idea of the screen growing larger and smaller depending on how far apart the characters were. So we had Mario and Luigi running around in that 3-D world, but we ended up not using it.

There’s also the issue of the resolution of the graphics. If you were to try to do a system where the camera zoomed in and out, and the graphics grew and shrunk in relation to the camera, back on the NES, the resolution of the graphics there, if the Mario character got too small you wouldn’t be able to distinguish the character easily. But with the Wii, because the resolution of the graphics is strong enough, you can pull the camera back very far and still see the character.

Wired.com: Why did you decide not to use that Nintendo 64 game with Mario and Luigi?

Miyamoto: Ultimately, it’s the idea of processing speed and working within the constraints of the hardware. The DS Mario 64 had a mode with something similar to that, where you were playing with four characters.

Entrevista completa em http://www.wired.com/gamelife/2009/06/shigeru-miyamoto-interview/
Última edição:
Da Nintendo Power:

Which is developing New Super Mario Bros. Wii?

The same team that did Super Mario Advance and DS New Super Mario Bros.--the same team through all those. Mr. [Takashi] Tezuka and M. [Toshihiko] Nakago are part of that group. Mr. Nakago isn't one of those people that comes out to the front, but Mr. Tezuka is the main one.

How are the levels in New Super Mario Bros. designed for multiplayer gameplay?

We really didn't think about designing the courses or levels for multiplayer. They're designed for that single-player experience. But it's just fun to have more people playing together. We really didn't go out of our way to build anything specifically for multiplayer. I think the thing that we really had to focus on was kind of the opposite--we had a single-player mode, and all we had to do was make sure that within this level that it could be played with more. So we couldn't create anything that wouldn't allow us to put more than one character in there, and that was kind of tough. We've got that [auto-scrolling moving platform]--if you make that the normal size, of course, you can't get all four players on it; if you make it too big it's too easy. So looking at that, that's one of those things that we had to work on specifically because we have introduced multiplayer.

What can you tell us about New Super Mario Bros. Wii that you haven't told anybody else yet?

Well, you did see the penguin suit, but what you didn't see was how the penguin suit lets you move in water. That's something we haven't shown anybody yet. And one thing that I was going to show people at the roundtable but I completely forgot to do was that once you freeze an enemy you can actually pick that enemy up and throw that ice blook. There are a lot of things that you can pick up and throw around, like in Super Mario Bros. 2.


Não gostei do rodapé excessivamente grande e vermelho salmão com tanto espaço, só a dizer "Up to 4 players", se tirassem essa faixa e aumentassem o cenário (não ia inviabilizar a mensagem de multijogador na minha opinião) era perfeita.
De outro prisma sem ser estético, acho que é óbvio que a Nintendo quer chamar a atenção para a componente multiplayer... e nesse ponto cumpre claramente os objectivos. O facto de ser uma área grande apenas com esse texto lá no meio chama realmente a atenção.
Eu acho que a box-art enquadra-se no feeling do jogo. Dá um ar "retro", a lembrar as caixas dos jogos da NES que não tinham uma barra vermelha, mas uma barra preta enorme.
Gosto bastante dessa tira vermelha. Não acho mesmo nada exagerado.

Sempre gostei do uso destacado de cores sólidas em boxarts, e para mim, esta parece pertencer ao grupo de capas que vai envelhecer bem (aka: bom design).


O único mal das capas da Wii é que o banner institucional que escolheram é assimétrico.
Parecendo que não, muita das capas parecem desengonçadas porque o raio da tira Wii retira o "balanço" todo á arte que é muitas das vezes feita sem ter isso em conta.
Última edição:
Na que o General_Guy pôs as cores estão mais esbatidas e vendo agora já gosto mais da faixa vermelho-salmão, não desgostei totalmente da dita cuja after all :D.