Nintendo Media Summit-- 22 e 23 de Maio

Transcrissão do discurso do Reggie:


O Smash Bros não está no showfloor:

Well, I'm at the Nintendo event right now, but since I can't actually talk about what's here I'll focus instead on something that's not: Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Embargo acaba sexta:

McMike is at Nintendo as we speak and plans to post the few non-embargoed things later on tonight, the rest hits Friday. So it’s going to be a busy rest of the week.
Notícias dos três gigantes do Wii não virão no fim do embargo

Como já foi anunciado pela imprensa internacional, as informações e novidades exibidas nos últimos dois dias durante o evento Nintendo Media Summit estão sobre embargo, ou seja, não podem ser reveladas ao público até um certo dia, por contrato. Mesmo assim, o site Kotaku revelou hoje que, aparentemente, não teremos nenhuma nova notícia de Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl ou Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, chamados por muitos de "os três gigantes do Wii".

O embargo termina na próxima sexta-feira 25, às 13h no horário de Brasília. Até lá, nenhuma nova informação deverá ser revelada.
Back From Seattle

I think everybody's well aware that Nintendo held a games event in Seattle this week. We were initially embargoed on everything we saw at the event, including third party titles, but Nintendo suddenly said we could publish write-ups and media for the third party stuff, which is why it all went up yesterday. We're still waiting to roll with the first party stuff. It's coming soon, but don't get your hopes up for any megatons. Online press were, very unfortunately, not allowed access to the game you all really want to know about. I cried, but it didn't help.

On Friday, we will have some good coverage of a non-first party game that you should probably start getting excited about, if you haven't already. So stay tuned for that.

"Online press" não teve acesso? isso quer dizer que a "Printed press" teve? :)

Sexta feira trailer novo de um jogo third party, aposto que é do FFCC Wii.
Nintendo Media Summit goodies

Imagens, videos, hands on, ....

GameTrailers Overview



Este evento serviu dois fins, dar o Metroid Prime 3 para os jornalistas da imprensa impressa (revistas) poderes escrever reviews e fazer as suas entrevistas, e dar aos jornalistas das publicações online jogos que de outra forma seriam +/- ignorados pelo jornalismo de videojogos... Isto porque todos estes irão ser completamente ofuscados na E3 (ou E for All) que este ano é em Julho (?) onde a Nintendo vai participar e onde presumivelmente os títulos grandes irão estar (relegando estes para planos secundários ou mesmo terciários).

Boa estratégia, mas agora já vinha é a E3. :p
já vinham era os jogos grandes....e os pequenos também desde que bons. agora conferências, previews, reviews e afins estamos nós cheios
já vinham era os jogos grandes....e os pequenos também desde que bons. agora conferências, previews, reviews e afins estamos nós cheios
Os jogos pequenos estão a vir, o Eledee's à duas semanas, o Mario Strikers hoje... :) Claro que as grandes armas ficam para o fim do ano (e quando estiverem prontas) mas não tenho razão de queixa do line-up (mas a minha carteira vazia tem) :p
Rumores interessantes acerca de uma pessoa que diz que teve na "(Pre E3) Nintendo Media Event”.

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Release Date – 08/20/2007

My experience playing this game demonstrated that Wii is capable of graphics far superior to what has been seen to date, and vast improvements have been made over the original build for this title. You will finally say “wow” when you see this game.

More importantly, Metroid will be a Wi-Fi title. There is no competitive online mode or multiplayer but WiiConnect 24 plays a large role. Metroid Prime 3 is slated to be the final entry in to the Prime series and is meant to carry fans over for quite some time. As such, new missions will become available for download on a regular basis (I have no idea how often a “regular basis” is). In addition, new suits and weapons are also going to be available for download. No detailed information was provided beyond this, but as explained to me, the purpose is to provide an experience that will be “ever evolving and changing so that the game may become entirely new over time.” This aspect of the game was why it was delayed for so long.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Release Date – 11/12/2007

Unfortunately, Smash Bros. only featured one playable level, which is what you’re seeing in most of the screenshots. However, there was a demonstration of the game’s Wi-Fi abilities and one new character shown. As you’ve seen, the game looks stunning and in certain instances plays like a dream. There are two available control methods, “Classic” and “Brawl.” Classic utilizes either a Gamecube controller or the Classic controller and plays much like previous entries in the series. Brawl utilizes the Wii Remote and Nunchuk attachment. Various attacks can be increased in strength by moving the Wii Remote in the direction of the attack. You can also add an extra jump when pressing up on the control stick and moving your Remote upwards. Unfortunately, these maneuvers felt tacked on.

Super Mario Galaxy
Release Date – 12/10/2007

Much hands-on time was spent with this title. It is essentially everything fans of Mario 64 will be expecting from the game. Unlike Mario Sunshine, this entry in the series will allow players the ability to explore vast areas of varying style. By now, you have undoubtedly seen the mini-planet hopping scenes on video and in screen shots. That being said, you probably have no idea how massive this game truly is. The mini-planets, comets, and space exploration are simply the surface of the game, and experienced mostly at the beginning. As the game progresses, most levels are within giant planets, each with its own unique feel. I was reminded often of jumping in to different paintings on Mario 64 and how each level was unique from the others. Think of outer-space in Galaxy as the castle is to Mario 64.

Another interesting bit of information regarding this title is cooperative play. When playing with a friend they will have the ability to assist you in your movements. This works by pointing the star where you want to advance to and having Mario follow the pattern drawn. This only happens at particular points in the game and is not necessary for play. However, it allows a friend to join the fun.

Finally, WiiConnect 24 is also utilized in this title, but no information regarding this was provided.
