Nintendo Sued Over Photo-Sensitive Seizures


Zwame Advisor
The Martin family maintains that Nintendo should have reported that its video games were not safe and not suitable for use because they triggered seizures.

They want Haik to order Nintendo to put warnings about the possibility of video games triggering seizures on the video game packages and on the screen while the game is in use, court documents indicate.

They want Nintendo to rank all games according to the seizure risk, reformat all its games to reduce the chance of seizures, fund a nationwide advertising campaign to inform the public about the chance of seizures, allow all game owners to trade high seizure risk games in for low seizure risk games and to establish a refund program so everyone with Nintendo games can get their money back, court documents indicate.

The family also wants money for damages, court costs, attorney fees and expert fees.
E já agora um peru para cada criança a morrer á fome em Africa?
Faz-me lembrar aquele caso em que uma viuva processou, com sucesso, uma fabricante de armas porque a arma que o marido comprou (e com que se matou) não dizia que "apontar para a cara e disparar pode causar morte instantanea"...

Já agora vamos processar a Ford porque não indica que andar a 180Km/h contra uma parede provoca a morte dos passageiros...
Os jogos ate tem varias mensagens na primeira pagina do manual a alertar para situaçoes dessas
Nao sei onde e que esses tipos querem ir