Nokia... N-gage

Review do NGage (hardware final)

2So Nokia certainly scores on one point - even the most fashion conscious probably won't mind carrying this device around with them. However, they might object to making phonecalls on it - because we quickly discovered that talking into the device involves holding the top end of it to your face (the microphone and speaker are located where the L and R buttons are on a GBA), which quite frankly makes you look utterly ridiculous. We're not sure which design genius at Nokia decided that people think it's cool to look like you have a Frisbee embedded in your head - but we were soon to learn that it's not the only mistake he made with the basic design of the deck."

Para falar temos de ter o telemovel de lado?! How lame.. E aquela de ter os cartoes de memória por detrás da bateria.. Quem foi o estúpido que arquitectou aquilo?!