O segredo da Wii?


Power Member
IGN Wii: Does you use the trigger buttons on the nunchuck unit?

John Schappert: You know, the buttons are all still being mapped out. It does use the trigger buttons right now. I don't know how much we'll have locked in for you at E3 because we are still working on the final button layout, but it does use the trigger buttons, and it does use the accelerometer in the nunchuck unit as well for juking.

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Ridley disse:
não me parece... também tens isto:
GI: It’s been rumored that the new big Revolution secret is the fact that the nun chuck controller is also motion detecting…

Atwood: Really. That’s interesting. I would say 9:30 in the morning on Tuesday of E3 will be filled with surprises and I would just show up. Because there’s been a ton of speculation. Some of it’s right. Some of it’s not. We’d say that if that’s the only secret you’re expecting you’re going to be very surprised.

portanto... nahhh :P

podias era alterar o titulo da thread para 3º segredo da Rev já em preparação para a E3 para depois postarmos e discutirmos as noticias sobre o assunto aqui.