OpenGoo - Office virtual


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What is OpenGoo
OpenGoo is an Open Source Web Office.
Web Office

It is a complete solution for every organization to create, collaborate, share and publish all its internal and external documents.
You and your team can create and collaborate on:

  • Text documents
  • Spreadsheets (coming soon)
  • Presentations
  • Task Lists
  • E-mails
  • Calendars
  • Web Links
  • Contacts
Online office suites are attractive for organizations with modest document processing needs, especially due to their low cost (read: free). But if you don't like the idea of storing your documents outside your network, try OpenGoo. It's an online office suite that installs on your local network and allows users to collaborate with others both inside and outside the network. The open source software, still under active development, is an easy to install and use, and if it's not quite ready for real-world large-scale deployment, it's getting there fast.

That doesn't mean you can't use it -- OpenGoo is quite usable and boasts several useful features. But it's at least a couple of versions away from a 1.0 release, and sports an equally long list of unimplemented features as well. The project was born out of a university presentation by Conrado Viña, now cofounder and project leader at OpenGoo, and targets small and medium-sized businesses with modest IT budgets.
OpenGoo is designed to suit an organization where collaboration is crucial. It doesn't try to be an all-out office suite, but rather integrates bits of an online office suite with concepts of project management and customer relationship management (CRM).
At version 0.8, the most recent currently available, OpenGoo bundles tools to edit text and HTML documents and presentations. A module to handle spreadsheets is currently under development. You can upload files in other formats to OpenGoo for centralized access and version control. Users can also create and manage task lists, send and receive email, and manage personal and group calendars, links, and contacts.
