PC Overwatch (Blizzard Entertainment)

Já agora numa de brincadeira:

  • Added a new “Boop” unlockable voice line for Sombra
  • Players can now select the 1v1 Mystery Duel and 3v3 Elimination game modes from the Custom Game menu
  • Added a “Stay as Team” feature, which allows players to remain grouped with their teammates after the match has ended
Hereo Balance Update

Photon Barrier (New Ability)

  • Replaces her existing Photon Shield ability
  • Generates a large energy barrier in front of Symmetra that blocks enemy fire as it travels forward
Shield Generator (New Ultimate Ability Option)

  • Symmetra’s Ultimate ability now offers a choice between Teleporter and a new option: Shield Generator
  • Shield Generator places a device that grants additional shields to allies within its effective radius (regardless of barriers, walls, or obstacles between them and the Shield Generator)
Photon Projector (Primary Fire): Range has been increased from 5 meters to 7 meters

Sentry Turret

  • Turrets that can be carried have been increased from 3 turrets to 6 turrets
  • Cooldown has been reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds
Photon Shield: Replaced with the new Photon Barrier ability

Health has been decreased from 200 to 50
Shields have been increased from 0 to 350

Bug Fixes

  • [PS4 Pro] Fixed a bug that could obscure or hide UI elements on a 4K display
  • Fixed a bug that allowed more than one player to select the same hero on the Assemble Team screen, but forced one player to reselect after spawning
  • Fixed a bug that forced players to join Play vs. AI matches when attempting to spectate a friend
  • Fixed a bug causing a black screen to appear if players switched heroes as the round ended
  • [PC] Fixed a bug that allowed the “H” key to close the Hero Select screen even after that function had been bound to a different key

  • Bots are no longer able to use abilities or attack enemies after a Control match has ended
  • [Console] Fixed a bug that prevented Ana from being selected in 1v1 matches

  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from correctly receiving experience after joining an in-progress 3v3 match
  • Fixed a bug preventing BattleTags from being displayed correctly during Highlight Intros and Plays of the Game in 1v1 and 3v3 matches
  • Fixed a bug causing the respawn timer to remain visible during 3v3 matches
Competitive Play: Fixed a bug that allowed more than one player to select the same hero in rare situations


  • Fixed a bug preventing the nameplate above D.Va’s mech from disappearing while being destroyed, and displaying a “0” instead of the player’s name
  • Fixed a bug causing the “You” indicator (which typically only appears during killcam footage) to appear when D.Va looks directly at the ground
  • D.Va’s video tutorial now includes changes made to her Defense Matrix resource mechanics
  • Fixed a bug causing Genji’s sword to clip through its scabbard
  • Fixed a bug causing Junkrat’s Steel Trap animation to play when detonating a Concussion Mine
  • Fixed a bug causing Reinhardt’s hammer to become invisible to some players after using an emote
  • Fixed a bug that interfered with the accuracy of the alternate fire for Roadhog’s Scrap Gun
  • Fixed a bug that allowed players’ Ultimate ability voice lines to play uninterrupted, even if they were hacked by Sombra during use
  • Fixed a bug preventing the sound effects from Torbjörn’s hammer from being played when his Ultimate ability was activated
  • Fixed a bug causing Widowmaker’s Grappling Hook to begin its cooldown after going through Symmetra’s Teleporter
  • [Console] Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to receive Ultimate charge when using her Caduceus Staff to increase teammates’ damage when they’re not damaging enemies
  • [Console] Fixed a bug preventing Reinhardt from deactivating his Barrier Field after being hacked by Sombra
  • [Console] Fixed a bug preventing Sombra’s Hack from cancelling Soldier: 76’s Sprint ability
  • [Console] Sombra no longer receives credit toward her on-fire meter when her EMP ultimate hits Symmetra’s turrets
  • [Console] When multiple Sombras attempt to hack a health pack, the player that initialized the hack first will now control it
  • [Console] Fixed a bug preventing Sombra’s Opportunist passive ability from seeing practice bots through the walls on the Practice Range
  • [Console] Fixed a bug preventing Sombra’s reticle from consistently expanding while firing her Machine Pistol

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Sombra to reach unintended locations on Watchpoint: Gibraltar
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Mercy from using Resurrect in rare situations on King’s Row
@spinal2k pugs???

eu como comprei o jogo recentemente e nao sou muito de "competitive" fiz apenas os 10 jogos pra ganhar os items depois no final da season x'D silver 1790, mas estava preparado pra receber bronze... perdi 6 jogos, ganhei 3 e empatei 1, fui principalmente healer

Apesar de se chamar "competitivo", a pressão és tu que a impões. Eu diria que competitivo de bronze até platina é quase a mesma coisa que quick play, o pessoal nem comunica nem nada..
Eu pessoalmente acho interessante o competitivo porque tento dar sempre o litro para ganhar e subir de rank. Anda difícil chegar a platina, atingi os 2491 e agora ando pelos 2439.
@ExSoUnD deves ter o voice chat desligado entao xD tipo consegues controlar a cena da pressao sozinho mas a gritaria nos micros nao facilita lol

eu nos 10 matches do placement jesus, aquilo era cada anormal aos gritos... eu ia dando mute ao longo dos jogos, alguns metiam-se a berrar com otra malta e depois a malta ainda jogava pior... deixou-m wtf mesmo :facepalm: o que eu me ri quando nalguns jogos depois o gajo que berrava e culpava os otros aparecia a ser morto facilmente no POTG (deve ter sido o karma a funcionar)

acho que até CSGO é menos toxico no modo competitivo :\

LoL tambem era toxico pra caraças... tanto report que fiz x)

isto tudo com pugs @queiroga12 thanks~

e nem vou falar das crianças (+ou- 10 anos) que encontrei que nem 1 frase simples conseguiam dizer.. :lol:


fora mesmo isto dos 10 placement matches, estou a adorar o jogo, tenho agora jogado 99% quick matches e muitas vezes com malta tuga daqui da zwame ou malta que conheci apenas no jogo

skins de natal, tenho a do lucio e a da mei, de resto só sprays e icons aos montes, e tenho pena da mercy nao ter recebido 1 skin de mae natal :rrotflm:
Ou eu tenho muita sorte ou tu tens muito azar. Dos jogos que costumo fazer é raro apanhar alguem a falar, e as vezes que apanhei não andavam aos gritos.

Ontem tive a experimentar os modos arcade do evento de Natal, e achei engraçado. O modo em que não sabes que personagem vai calhar é que me atrofia um bocado quando me saem personagems com quem nao costumo jogar ou nunca joguei.