PC Demigod

Ah lol os problemas devem-se a port forwarding? lolada, pensei que fosse algo mais sério, claro que o facto de os jogadores não terem isso configurado estragar os jogos dos outros é simplesmente retarded, já que é obvio que vai haver pessoal sem o router configurado.
O que mais me impressiona neste jogo é mesmo a atenção dos developers/producers, President / CEO da Stardock a.k.a. Frogboy está sempre no forum disposto a responder às perguntas. Os gajos levam os "clientes" muito a sério.
Já o tive a jogar e comportou-se muito bem no meu portátil velhinho com uma GeforceGo 7300. Há muita coisa que ainda não está a funcionar, nomeadamente o sistema de achievements online, no nosso perfil do site do Demigod. Joguei um jogo online e correu tudo bem, demorou um bocado a encontrar o servidor é só isso que tenho a apontar. Quem gosta de "DotA" este é obrigatório experimentar, mete flags ao barulho para dar mais variedade, para "DotA" puro só mesmo no League of Legends, que também vou comprar assim que sair.
Novo update:

Impulse Version: 1.0.48
Demigod EXE version: 1.00.0093
After a long night of connection server moving around along with a new ingame connection client, we are happy to release the day 2 update.

Change log:

+ Connection dialog now allows the host to eject players trying to connect.

+ New NAT Connection Server now isolated so not affected by general server load resulting in much faster, better connectivity.

+ Eliminated check for update on launching the game

+ CVP calls asynchronous (a server hicup on our side is a lot less likely to cause users to be disconnected)


This isn’t a silver bullet. This is basically what Demigod would have been like on day 0 (minus the eject button) if the connection server wasn’t getting pounded.

That said, we’ve noticed some issues that you should be aware of that we plan to iron out this week including:

1. Because connections happen much faster in custom games, you can occasionally end up with players in the lobby that aren’t truly connected to everyone. Their ping will be yellow (or 0). The host will need to eject one of those players and have them rejoin.

2. This update does nothing for users who are behind a firewall or router that has ports locked. See http://forums.demigodthegame.com/345345 for tips in that area.

3. Obviously this is an update that we would normally want to run through a 2 or 3 limited beta since major surgery was done to the servers to reduce their load. But we felt strongly that we needed to get a release out that showed improvement for most people. We expect to release another update in the next few days once we can see the effect of the connection server in conditions we consider normal.

Good luck!
Sem dúvida. O Brad Wardell também elaborou um vídeo a discutir os problemas encontrados no Demigod e como os estão a resolver, numa visita feita aos escritórios da Stardock. Podem vê-lo aqui.

A Stardock sempre mostrou bastante profissionalismo e atenção para com os seus clientes, e é o que se continua a verificar neste caso. Ainda agora visitei os fóruns oficiais e vejo vários posts do staff a responder abertamente à comunidade, especialmente do Brad Wardell aka Frogboy.
Última edição:
Ao contrário da Valve que tem as costas quentes e nunca abrem o bico para falar de nada quando os jogos têm atrasos de horas e horas na Steam. Estou a gostar de como funciona a Impulse.
Depois do Sins of a Solar Empire (melhor jogo de estratégia multiplayer de sempre pra mim) ando tentado a experimentar este.
Ninguém que o tenha se arrisca aqui a uma review? A ideia de jogos curtos parece me engraçada, mas o jogo tem manobra para estratégias ponderadas ou é andar sempre no desenrascanço?

Se alguém se chegar à frente para um review agradecia :P
Review da treta, se tivesse apenas lido ou visto a video review diria que lhe davam um 8.5 com base no que disseram. As queixas sobre não ter tutorial ou campanha singleplayer são no mínimo ridículas, não os vejo a penalizar outros jogos multiplayer-only por não terem campanha singleplayer; quanto aos tutoriais, o jogo inclui manual e há tutoriais online feitos pelos próprios developers para quem quiser aprender tácticas específicas.

Podiam perfeitamente ter adiado a review mais 24 ou 48 horas como as outras publicações fizeram após o report da Stardock, mas curiosamente decidiram fazê-la logo e baixar bastante a nota usando como principal ponto negativo os problemas com o online que em grande parte já estão resolvidos. Até já foi bastante discutido no fórum oficial do Demigod, onde o próprio Brad Wardell respondeu directamente ao gajo que fez a review.

Mas sabendo a treta que a GameSpot é hoje em dia não é de espantar, há por aí vários jogos com problemas bem mais graves que nem chegam a ser corrigidos ou são ignorados, lançamentos atribulados de jogos com bastante hype que acabam por levar o benefício da dúvida por promessas futuras, ao passo que os jogos vindos de editoras mais pequenas são penalizados sempre que possível. Fizeram o mesmo com o Men of War, fazendo uma crítica cheia de erros que entretanto foram obrigados a retirar.

Antes de tomarem uma decisão, esperem por mais críticas e/ou leiam as opiniões da comunidade. Até agora o feedback tem sido muito positivo e tendo em conta os títulos anteriores desenvolvidos (Galactic Civilizations I e II) ou publicados (Sins of a Solar Empire) pela Stardock, certamente terá muito suporte e uma comunidade bastante activa.
Última edição:
Depois do Sins of a Solar Empire (melhor jogo de estratégia multiplayer de sempre pra mim) ando tentado a experimentar este.
Ninguém que o tenha se arrisca aqui a uma review? A ideia de jogos curtos parece me engraçada, mas o jogo tem manobra para estratégias ponderadas ou é andar sempre no desenrascanço?

Se alguém se chegar à frente para um review agradecia :P

Vê as coisas por esta maneira: Se gostas de DotA é uma boa opção comprares mas tens de ter atenção a duas coisas: há menos heróis que no DotA (MUITOS menos) e a jogabilidade não é DotA puro já a parte de defesa de pontos no mapa é ligeiramente diferente e mete captura de flags. Eu tenho estado a gostar muito, como só jogo com o Rook nem me faz diferença haver poucos Demigods, o online está muito bom e exige um grande teamwork senão vai tudo por água abaixo. Também tens achievements para um gajo ter sempre algum objectivo específico, tens objectos para comprares com o favor que ganhas por venceres mapas que ainda te dão mais vantagens (ou seja quanto mais jogas mais forte ficas).

E este serve para ir fazendo tempo enquanto não sai o grande League of Legends :D
bem eu tenho umas duvidas. pelo que li parece-me ser um jogo muito interessante. tendo so vertente online alem de comprar o jogo temos algum pagamento mensal(estilo WoW) ? x)
e esses problemas iniciais ja foram resolvidos com algum update? ;)
Nop não existe pagamento nenhum mensal, quanto aos problemas já estarem resolvidos, segundo o pessoal da IGN ainda não, aparentemente já se encontra melhor, no entanto aparentemente continua com muitos problemas.
Não percebo onde é que vêm tantos problemas, já fiz mais de 10 jogos online e em nenhuma vez tive problema de lag ou perdi a ligação ao servidor.
Weekend update:

Well, what a dramatic week it’s been. The teams at Stardock and GPG have been burning the midnight oil this week.

As those of you who have the game can already see, the server issues are gone. We’ve recreated a duplicate of the server infrastructure we had but dedicated to users who have the most recent version of the game and a valid CD key (serial #).
Based on the logs, we are seeing lots of games being played on-line now. Yay. Average game has approximately 4.7 humans in it which is a good sign.

Some clarifications

I’ve seen a lot of news articles this week and a lot of confusion about what occurred this week. The issue isn’t terribly complicated.

Ars Technica had a good article that describes what happened. But still, a lot of people seem to think warez users are able to play multiplayer games. No, they can’t. Even the retail box has a serial # in it that users have to use and be validated to play online. What brought down servers was a lot more benign than that. It was the HTTPS requests to inform users if there was a new version along with checking the community features for info (friends lists, chat channels, etc.) and things like that. Things like that are pretty piddly. It’s only when you get a ton of users doing that at the same time that it becomes a problem as we saw.

But here’s the thing: While piracy is annoying, you can’t blame piracy for this problem. Let’s face it, there’s plenty of data out there about how many pirated games are being played. We should have looked at that. We assumed since Sins of a Solar Empire and Galactic Civilizations, both of which sold extremely well and got great reviews, that the # of pirated copies of Demigod in use would probably be in the same ballpark, maybe twice as much. But had we looked at what other publishers have said, we would have known that it’s not unusual for there to be hundreds of thousands of warez copies in use. And if we had, we could have simply had the retail version not have any HTTP calls in it and instead just had an update button on the main menu to check for updates and voila, problem solved.

The second misconception is the argument that because Demigod’s retail version is heavily pirated that it costs massive sales. But that, again, puts the blame on the wrong parties. If you want to talk about the horrible multiplayer experience on launch day, well, that’s our fault because of what I said above. If you want to say that the horrible day 1 multiplayer experience resulted in negative game reviews which will seriously damage the game’s sales then I say again, that’s our fault too because of what I said above OR we could have just sent out the review copies on release day (Tuesday) and reviewers wouldn’t have had it until Thursday by which point the problem had largely been resolved and the review scores would have been fine. But in either case, it’s still our fault.

So now what?

Now that the servers are working fine we’re moving away from the “#$R@#@# Demigod sux!” posts and into the regular new game release issues.

So what issues are we seeing and working on? Here are a few at the top of our lists:

1. Players getting disconnected during games. Demigod’s lag tolerance is fairly low resulting in disconnects if a player lags out a bit. This is fairly easy to fix. You get a player in Australia playing a user in Europe and there will be times when there’s a hicup in their connection and POW, disconnect and it’s extremely frustrating. I played all day today and it happened to me. This is a very high priority.

2. NAT negotiation. For users outside the United States in particular using DSL, this is a problem. This is a case where player A can’t see player B and thus they can’t play together. This is something we will be aggressively looking at next week. If we hadn’t had the server overload, we likely would have this addressed already.

3. Pantheon games. Right now, the system is excessively biased for new players – it wants to include AI players as cannon fodder. While this is fine and dandy for new players, once you know what you’re doing, having AI players in the game is incredibly annoying. So next week we’re going to change it so that if you have played a few games, it will wean the player off of AI players until you only play humans online. Same for Skirmish.

4. Favor Points and such. There’s some annoying stuff happening with favor points which is related to the ranking system in Demigod as well. First off, we plan to reset the rankings at some point when we enter Epoch 1 (we are in Epoch 0 presently game-wise, I’ll explain Epochs later but in short, every so often we’re going to reset the rankings, save the results as an epoch and go from there). In Epoch 1, custom games won’t count anymore as there’s too many ways to game it.

5. Misc. Bugs. There was a crush bug in the game that we’ve fixed internally but it got to be too late in the evening to package it up and get it released tonight. We have internally fixed the annoying issue of “A ppplayer has left the game” at the start of skirmish and pantheon games. Basically, when you get a new game going, there’s some data that has to be exchanged between players at the start. But the threshold of time you’re given to do this before it decides you’re too slow is set too low so we’re changing this to be more tolerant. In our tests with players we found on the chat channel who were having problems, it took care of it.

So that’s what we have in store for next week. After that, we can look at the typical balance requests, cheese stuff, and whatever else crops up.
Now, while the reviews are likely to have a pretty serious impact on sales, it does not affect our plans to continue to release updates and enhancements to the game nor does it affect our plans to release additional free Demigods.
For most of you, have fun this weekend! For those of you who are having a problem with something, hang in there. We’ve got your back!

Draginol is my home account in case people are confused.
Brad "Frogboy" Wardell
Depois desse post, e como a Stardock nunca me decepcionou, acabei de o comprar. Se alguém quiser jogar postem os vossos nicknames ou mandem pm.

O meu é Vagarinho