[PC] Hitlers Must Die! (2D Action Platformer)

Pure Anarchy

Edmund McMillen is a non-stop productivity machine. He just finished Spewer, has Super Meat Boy in the works for WiiWare, and as it turns out, he's also almost done with Gish 2 and an action/comedy/platformer by the name of Hitlers Must Die!.

Gish is considered one of the best indie platformers of the past ten years (download the demo here and see for yourself). Not much has been heard about the Gish sequel since is was announced in late 2008, and with all of Edmund's ongoing projects, it wasn't hard to imagine that the game might be on hold.

Before that time, we'll likely see the PC release of No Quarter, a collection of arcade-style games from Edmund and programmer Alex Austin. The stand-out amongst this compilation is without a doubt Hitlers Must Die; a black, white and red, ultra-cute/violent story of a patch-eyed Russian operative on a mission to create a mile high pile of dead Hiltler-clones. Early video of the game shows the yet unnamed lead pulling off the signature Mario duck-slide while blowing away multiple Hitlers diagonal style.
Vejam o vídeo, está bastante porreiro. Algumas imagens da intro:




Fizeste-me pensar que já tinha saído! Maldito! :P

E os jogos do Edmund usam todos Flash, é a sua plataforma favorita, no entanto, podes sempre sacá-los para ganhares um boost na performance, não que isso melhorasse o Spewer no meu sistema, mas pronto...