PC S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Clear Sky

Mais umas infos e uns vídeos:

- Fully functional faction warfare.

- You will be able to get missions not just from static people at their base, but also from random squads that you meet while wondering through the zone. Edit: later on they say that almost any member of any faction can give you missions.

- Each faction will be able to capture territories. There will be 3 types of territories that factions will try to capture from other factions – simple territories, resource territories and scientific territories. For example if the faction took control of a scientific territory then it will gain some sort of new more advanced gadgets, suits or weapons. But the main goal of every faction is to destroy the base of its enemies.

- Faction wars are very dynamic and will go on even if the player ignores them and focuses on main quest.

- You will be able to take other stalkers with you on your faction war missions.
Developer interview, part of it.

- You will be able to join all the factions (even bandits) except military, because they are against all stalkers.

- Each faction has its leader, mechanic, barman and so on

- You will be able to switch faction anytime, but it won’t be easy. Sometimes you’ll have to pay some money, sometimes do a mission, but you will be able to do it.

- Each faction will have some sort of a mini-game (in original STALKER it was the arena) for example bandit faction mini-game will be “crow shooting contest”

- Each faction will have its own trader, but the stuff he sells depends on a faction. For example Freedom faction likes long range weapons and you won’t see any heavy armor or shotguns for sale there. Duty on the other side likes will have heavy weapons and armor for sale or anything else that is useful against mutants. Trader on the Bandit base will have anything for sale as they steal anything they can, so with a bit of luck you may find some really rare weapons or armor there.

- Each faction will have a guy who can repair and UPGRADE you weapons. There will be a lot of things you will be able to add to your weapons. You will be able to upgrade rate of fire, accuracy or even make your magazine bigger.

- There will be more unique/special weapons. Weapons will be split in two categories – cheap ones (not upgradable) and special ones (upgradable). They are trying to make weapons more personal so that you feel attached to your weapon.

- No futuristic weapons, only real ones.

- Non upgradable will weapons will be very cheap. It won’t be even worth to carry them to the trader and sell them.

- The whole anomaly and artifact concept has been changed. It will be more dangerous to look for artifacts. It will be like a little mini-game. You will enter the anomaly (which may be 50m in diameter) and with radar in one hand you will have to look for an artifact which may be even invisible. At the same time while you are in the anomaly it will do damage to you, so you have to do everything really fast.

- It will be really hard to make money selling looted weapons, so main source of income will be mission and selling artifacts.

- New character type – guide. If you are too lazy to travel to another location on foot you can just pay the guide and he will take you there instantly.

- Swamp will be the location you start the game at.

- Main goal of the game will be the same- to get to the center of the zone, NPP.

- Strelok has travelled to the center of the zone 3 times (ending of the original STALKER is the third time). Clear sky takes place during Streloks second travel to the NPP. You will meet Strelok.

- Clear Sky is the name of a new faction.

- AI stakers will be able to pick up items from the ground if they spot them, for example, throw out a weapon and if it is better than the one AI has, he will pick it up.

- There are about 1000 animations for AI characters.

- There will be stationary weapons.

- Minimal system req. will be exactly the same as in the original stalker, but if you want to experience full potential of the engine then you’ll have to have a pretty good PC.

- GSG is thinking (just thinking) of STALKER Online (MMO?)

Não gostei do 1º.

Graficamente estava muito bom mas não gostei da jogabilidade. É apenas uma opinião.

Espero que este esteja melhor.
Eu gostei muito do primeiro... Graficamente não puxei muito por ele. Em jogabilidade não senti falta de nada, por isso para mim chega. Acho é que o homem podia ser um pouco mais forte.. lol Carrega pouca coisa de cada vez.

Já há alguma demo jogável deste?
Uhhh..esses vídeos.

Tenho a impressão que eles tão a jogar numa consola.Ou seja,deixou de ser um exclusivo PC.Não que seja um ponto negativo,mas..espero que lancem todas as versões ao mesmo tempo.
Apnho cada cagasso... OMFG na missao dakela fabrica com gajos gays mosntros gays que nem quero pensar por todo lado, ate as latas se levantam.... porcaria da radiotividade. A jogabilidade é tão boa, ainda nao acabei o 1º poque tenho medo:lol: mas tenho um video desse Clear Sky e parece espectacular e os graficos parecem source so que uma fisica um bocadinho melhor.....
verdade o que disse o QuickFire o jogo teve uns atrasos´zitos!
Mas acabei-o e gostei muito! um jogo enorme, altos ambientes...
Venha o 2º :rolleyes:
Adorei o primeiro mas instalei alguns mods para ainda ficar melhor :P um deles tornava a noite escura como breu, andar no meio do mato só com laterna era demais! Só não gostei do fim, depois vim a saber que havia varias alternativas mas a minha não fez sentido nenhum
Adorei o primeiro mas instalei alguns mods para ainda ficar melhor :P um deles tornava a noite escura como breu, andar no meio do mato só com laterna era demais! Só não gostei do fim, depois vim a saber que havia varias alternativas mas a minha não fez sentido nenhum
Deves ter ido ter com o Wish granter, esse é o "final falso"
a diferença é mesmo grande, este é pra jogar em DX 10, ainda bem que tenho vista :P

Não acho que seja tão grande como isso. Numa das imagens tens o sol numa posição diferente o que cria mais luz, e o DX10 tem uns toque a mais de bloom.
De qualquer forma se for possível corre-lo em DX10 ainda melhor senão dou-me contente como DX9.

Pelo que diz a review este é um SOC melhorado, o que para mim é perfeito.
Deves ter ido ter com o Wish granter, esse é o "final falso"

pois, foi isso mesmo...perdi mto ao escolher essa opção?

ja joguei um pouco da demo do clear sky, para mim os graficos chegam assim...o ambiente é bom e isso interessa me mais do que graficos ultra XPTO e zero atmosfera.
A IGN UK deu uma nota final de 7.0 ao jogo.

7.0 Presentation
The Zone’s still an incredible place to wander, its decaying architecture and weird mutants keeping it distinct. The writing and atmosphere have gone to pot , however.
8.5 Graphics
The very model of collapsed beauty -- character faces aside, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. always looked great, and the new lighting model is sure pretty. Not that you can actually play the game with it on...
8.5 Sound
The voicework’s a bit ’Allo ’Allo (or whatever the Soviet-spoofing equivalent is) and you’ll need to leave the awful combat music off, but distant beast-howls still chill the blood.
7.0 Gameplay
Overwraught combat -- especially those damn grenades -- and mechanical progression turn much of Clear Sky into a thankless struggle, but the raw survival element is still thrilling.
7.5 Lasting Appeal
With a choice of factions to join and plenty of sidemissions -- mostly very similar -- there’s plenty of reason to go back. It may seem less heartbreaking second time around, too.

(out of 10 / not an average)

O melhor é jogar quando o jogo sair, para vermos por nós próprios como está jogo.
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