PCI Express 2.0 ready for use

Working PCIe 2.0 demonstrated

Working PCIe 2.0 demonstrated

Nvidia GPU and Intel chipset

By Charlie Demerjian: Wednesday 28 February 2007, 12:10

BEHIND CLOSED DOORS yesterday in a secret mountain fortress in Utah and three doors down from the SCO secret mountain fortress with the 'for rent' sign up, the PCI-SIG met.

During the secret planning sessions to take over the world, Pinky tossed out an idea, but since there were no camels or green spraypaint, The Brain decided to go with his plan and demo working PCIe 2.0 devices.

The demo was an unnamed Intel chipset and an unnamed Nvidia GPU. We are told both worked well together, it is hard to make a good demo much less take over the world with static mockups. In any case, this bodes well for PCIe2.0 launches with the next gen Intel chipsets in Q3.

We are told that there was no DAAMIT demo to counter it, but with 2.0 being backwards compatible with 1.1, it isn't the end of the world. In any case, it will be interesting to see if anything can actually use 16 lanes of 5.0Gbps, 80Gbps is one heck of a pipe to fill. I smell SLI variants


Última edição:
mas mt provavelmente em vlocidades reduzidas...o k eles estao a fazer nao tem jeito...ou plo menos lançavam no daki a um ano ou dois.pk ainda a pco saiu o pcie..
Não, as 1.0 vão funcionar a 100% o contrário (não sei se vão ser compatíveis) eram as 2.0 ficarem "capadas nas boards 1.0.

Sim mas acho que ainda é cedo de mais. Mas neste "mundo" nada pode parar.
Como foi dito, penso que apenas graficas low end venham a beneficar a curto prazo, devido a um melhor acesso via hipermemory ou turbo-cache...

Talvez só a proxima geração de gráficas tire proveito deste PCI-e 2.0