PE3 Nicks e Salas Para Warhawk


Power Member

Deixem aqui os vossos nicks e sugestões para criação de salas com pass para o warhawk.
Hoje tentei instalar um headset (Plantronics m2500) e a consola bloqueou amanhã vou trocar por outro para ver se consigo comunicar.

o meu nick:

Hoje tentei instalar um headset (Plantronics m2500) e a consola bloqueou amanhã vou trocar por outro para ver se consigo comunicar.

o meu nick:


Ve se arranjas da Jabra ou Motorola acho que são os melhoriznhos.
Alguem sbe quando é que as stats do jogo vão estar activadas epa tou gramando imenso o jogo mas ja devop ter mais de 20horas de jogo e so tenho la marcado 11minutos ja ganhei medalhas e fitas e não tenho nada la
Dylan Jobe (Warhawk Dev) disse:
There will be a maintenance window from 5am to 7am PDT on Thursday to allow us to deploy a fix for the occasional/random player drops. During these player drops the community would see the total world-wide player count drop between 1000 and 1500 players -- clearly not good.

This problem will be resolved with this maintenance window.

We are now also tracking a new issue that some of you have been experiencing with simply not being able to go online with Warhawk at all. Some of you mentioned that you starting seeing the problem with the release of the new firmware 1.92 -- we have no proof of this yet but anecdotal evidence seems to suggest so.

I will continue to keep everyone posted on our progress.

Dylan Jobe (Warhawk Dev) disse:
We have a team here that is working on the stats issue right now. I have nothing concrete to report though and I'm not about to post a status update on untested speculation :-)

@KILLREAPER -- the "room number problems" you are mentioning...are these the issues with a server that says 30 of 32 and then when you join it says "game full"....eventhough it STILL says 30 of 32?

If this is what you mean then, yes we're working on this one. If you mean something else, please elaborate so the team and I know what problems you are facing.

Eles tão a tratar do assunto... :)