Pidgin (former Gaim)

Pidgin 2.5.3
View all closed tickets for this release.

  • libpurple
    • The Buddy State Notification plugin no longer prints duplicate notifications when the same buddy is in multiple groups. (Florian Quèze)
    • The Buddy State Notification plugin no longer turns JID's, MSN Passport ID's, etc. into links. (Florian Quèze)
    • purple-remote now has a "getstatusmessage" command to retrieve the text of the current status message.
    • Various fixes to the nullprpl. (Paul Aurich)
    • Fix a crash when accessing the roomlist for an account that's not connected. (Paul Aurich)
    • Fix a crash in purple_accounts_delete that happens when this function is called before the buddy list is initialized. (Florian Quèze)
    • Fix use of av_len in perl bindings to fix some off-by-one bugs. (Paul Aurich)
    • On ICQ, advertise the ICQ 6 typing capability. This should fix the reports of typing notifications not working with third-party clients. (Jaromír Karmazín)
    • Many QQ fixes and improvements, including the ability to connect using QQ2008 protocol and sending/receiving of long messages. The recommended version to use is still QQ2005.
    • Fix a crash with DNS SRV lookups. (Florian Quèze)
    • Fix a crash caused by authorization requests. (Florian Quèze)

  • Gadu-Gadu
    • Add support for IM images. (Adam Strzelecki)
    • Gadu-Gadu now checks that UID's are valid. (Adam Strzelecki)
    • Gadu-Gadu now does proper charset translations where needed. (Adam Strzelecki)

  • MSN
    • Fix an error with offline messages by shipping the new "Microsoft Secure Server Authority" and the "Microsoft Internet Authority" certificates. These are now always installed even when using --with-system-ssl-certs because most systems don't ship those intermediate certificates.
    • The Games and Office media can now be set and displayed (in addition to the previous Music media). The Media status text now shows the album, if possible.
    • Messages sent from a mobile device while you were offline are now correctly received.
    • Server transfers after you've been connected for a long time should now be handled correctly.
    • Many improvements to handling of "federated" buddies, such as those on the Yahoo network.
    • Several known crashes have been resolved.
    • Many other fixes and code cleanup.

  • MySpace
    • Respect your privacy settings set using the official MySpace client.
    • Add support for blocking buddies.
    • Fix a bug where buddies didn't appear in their correct groups the first time you sign into your account.
    • Properly disconnect and sign out of the service when logging off.
    • Support for foreground and background font colors in outgoing IMs.
    • Support for background font colors in incoming IMs.
    • Many other fixes and code cleanup.

  • Sametime
    • Fix insanely long idle times for Sametime 7.5 buddies by assuming 0 idle time if the idle timestamp is in the future. (Laurent Montaron)
    • Fix a crash that can occur on login. (Raiko Nitzsche)

    • Fix a crash when a malformed message is received.
    • Don't allow connecting accounts if no server name has been specified. (Florian Quèze)

  • XMPP
    • Fix the namespace URL we look for in PEP reply stanzas to match the URL used in the 'get' requests (Paul Aurich)
    • Resources can be set to the local machine's hostname by using __HOSTNAME__ as the resource string. (Jonathan Sailor)
    • Resources can now be left blank, causing the server to generate a resource for us where supported. (Jonathan Sailor)
    • Resources now default to no value, but "Home" is used if the server refuses to provide a resource.
    • Quit trying to get user info for MUC's. (Paul Aurich)
    • Send "client-accepts-full-bind-result" attribute during SASL login. This will fix Google Talk login failures if the user configures the wrong domain for his/her account.
    • Support new <metadata/> element to indicate no XEP-0084 User Avatar. (Paul Aurich)
    • Fix SHA1 avatar checksum errors that occur when one of the bytes in a checksum begins with 0. (Paul Aurich)
    • Fix a problem with duplicate buddies. (Paul Aurich)

  • Yahoo
    • Corrected maximum message lengths for Yahoo!
    • Fix file transfers with older Yahoo protocol versions.

  • Zephyr
    • Enable auto-reply, to emulate 'zaway.' (Toby Schaffer)
    • Fix a crash when an account is configured to use tzc but tzc is not installed or the configured tzc command is invalid. (Michael Terry)
    • Fix a 10 second delay waiting on tzc if it is not installed or the configured command is invalid. (Michael Terry)

  • Pidgin
    • On GTK+ 2.14 and higher, we're using the gtk-tooltip-delay setting instead of our own (hidden) tooltip_delay pref. If you had previously changed that pref, add a line like this to ~/.purple/gtkrc-2.0 (where 500 is the timeout (in ms) you want): gtk-tooltip-timeout = 500
      To completely disable tooltips (e.g. if you had an old tooltip_delay of zero), add this to ~/.purple/gtkrc-2.0: gtk-enable-tooltips = 0
    • Moved the release notification dialog to a mini-dialog in the buddylist. (Casey Ho)
    • Fix a crash when closing an authorization minidialog with the X then immediately going offline. (Paul Aurich)
    • Fix a crash cleaning up custom smileys when Pidgin is closed.
    • Fix adding a custom smiley using the context menu in a conversation if no custom smilies have previously been added using the smiley manager.
    • Improved support for some message formatting in conversations.
    • Allow focusing the coversation history or userlist with F6.
    • Fixed the Send Button plugin to avoid duplicate buttons in a single conversation.
    • Double-clicking a saved status will now activate it and close the saved status manager, rather than edit the status.

  • Finch
    • Allow binding meta+arrow keys for actions.
    • Added default meta+erase binding for delete previous word.
    • Added "Show When Offline" to buddy menus, so a plugin is no longer needed.
No pidgin só me chateia não ter direct file transfer... assim receber ficheiros é muito lento...
E não prevejo que seja implementado nos próximos anos! :(
Em termos de features, e no que diz respeito ao protocolo MSN, creio que o amsn seja mais completo. Mas de forma alguma mais funcional! O Pidgin é mais rápido (em termos de utilização do interface) e mais prático. O pidgin é escrito em C, o que lhe confere mais eficácia (uma linguagem compilada versus uma linguagem interpretada, como é o caso do TCL, usado para o amsn).

Melhoramentos e alternativas virão! :)
Nunca gostei muito de usar o pidgin, simplesmente pelas atitudes da dev team. Simplesmente eles acham que os users não interessam, nem têm nada a dizer no que diz respeito a features do pidgin, e como se ainda não bastasse foi o stress que tiveram com o Pat.
Mas graças à sua simplicidade, suporte a vários protocolos, era "obrigado" a utilizá-lo, mas agora já não.

Descobri o Carrier (antigo FunPidgin), que é um fork do Pidgin, mas que conta com uma equipa de devs muito mais "simpática". As diferenças são poucas (eu ainda não descobri muitas), e só tem a desvantagem de ainda não terem pacotes para todas as distros, mas têm a source que é o que é preciso.
Mas parece ser um fork antigo... o que é que eles fazer com os updates do pidgin? Por exemplo o MSN teve grandes avanços ultimamente...
Mas parece ser um fork antigo... o que é que eles fazer com os updates do pidgin? Por exemplo o MSN teve grandes avanços ultimamente...

Não me parece que seja muito antigo. A versão 2.5.0 parece-me exactamente igual à 2.5.3 actual do Pidgin.

Aliás o último post colocado no site foi há 32 min 35 sec.
Pelo que percebi eles criaram uma carrada de patches e aplicam-nas a cada release do pidgin. Não me parece um verdadeiro fork... mas sim, parece uma boa alternativa, pena parecer demasiado dependente no projecto original, coisa que o msn-pecan tenta evitar ao máximo.
Ainda não foi anunciado oficialmente, mas um update muito importante para quem usa MSN...

Pidgin 2.5.4

· Fix a connection timeout with empty Gadu-Gady buddy lists. (Martin Rosinski)
· Don't ignore namespace information when parsing XMPP data. (Michal Witkowski)
· Fix a crash that occurred when retrieving certain Offline Messages on MSN.
· Extended purple-url-handler to handle "gtalk" URI's. (Paul Aurich)
· Fix the hang on exit in Network Location Awareness for Windows XP and Windows Vista. (Paul Aurich)

· Change Contact Server to temporarily fix connection problems. (Thanks to Youness Alaoui)

· Support for XEP-0191 blocking. (Vijay Raghunathan)
· Don't put SASL PLAIN or IQ Auth passwords in debug logs. (Paul Aurich)
· Fix removal of avatars (both PEP and vCard), we weren't removing them correctly before. (Paul Aurich)

· Fix a crash in the Add Account dialog when changing protocols under certain circumstances.

· Redirect stderr outputs to the debug window.
· Fix rebinding actions with the arrow-keys and tab.
O problema era server-side, afectou pelo menos todos os clientes baseados em libpurple e já foi resolvido pela MS (a 2.5.3 já funciona correctamente também). O problema foi no MSNP15 e um workaround possível seria instalar o msn-pecan (que ainda utiliza MSNP12).
Pois, tambem deixei de me conseguir conectar ontem. Mas foi resolvido prontamente ao instalar o msn-pecan. depois é só ir as opções de conta e mudar de msn para wlm.

Já agora, é preciso ter as development packages do pidgin instaladas para instalar o pecan.
O problema era server-side, afectou pelo menos todos os clientes baseados em libpurple e já foi resolvido pela MS (a 2.5.3 já funciona correctamente também). O problema foi no MSNP15 e um workaround possível seria instalar o msn-pecan (que ainda utiliza MSNP12).

Pensava que o msn-pecan até utilizava um MSNP mais recente que o libpurple. Pelo menos já testei ambos e actualmente é quase igual... mas parece-me que com o msn-pecan tenho mais uns poucos KB/s nas lentas transferências de ficheiros.
Desde a versão 2.5.0 que o libpurple tem suporte a MSNP15, o pecan continua com o MSNP12. Foi por exemplo isso que fez o Adium fazer o switch de um para outro (na versão 1.3.2, se não me engano).
msn-pecan 0.0.18


msn-pecan 0.0.18 released, now with voice clips support
Personal blog of Felipe Contreras

msn-pecan 0.0.18 released, now with voice clips support

with 6 comments
It’s time for msn-pecan 0.0.18. There are many bugfixes and important new features like voice clips support.

Again, Devid did most of the work. The most important fix is that personal status messages now work properly (can be enabled and disabled), the most important feature is voice clip support; thanks to Devid Filoni for the port, original patch from Chris Stafford, and Youness Alaoui for libsiren.
Also important is a fix for WLM 2009 user displays (Thomas Gibson-Robinson), P4-context support for (Thiago Silva and Devid), a new option to hide Plus! tags (Devid) and support for Plus! sounds (Devid and Thiago).
Also, some cleanups and reorganization heading towards a standalone library.
An interesting event happened on January 12; for some reason the MSN servers changed something that prevented many clients (>MSNP13) from working, while msn-pecan kept working just fine. That day the number of downloads increased dramatically (100010,000 a day), but unfortunately it lasted only a day.


New translations: Turkish, Portuguese (standard and Brazil) and Arabic. If your favorite language is not translated you can help at Launchpad’s site.
Pidgin 2.5.5

*** vai sair amanha, dia 3 ***

Download page

version 2.5.5 (03/01/2009):
    * Fix a crash when removing an account with an unknown protocol id.
    * Beta support for SSL connections for AIM and ICQ accounts.  To
      enable, check the "Use SSL" option from the Advanced tab when
      editing your AIM or ICQ account. (Paul Aurich)
    * Fix a memory leak in SILC. (Luke Petre)
    * Fix some string handling in the SIMPLE prpl, which fixes some buddy name
      handling and other issues. (Paul Aurich, Marcus Sundberg)
    * Implement support for resolving DNS via the SOCKS4 proxy (SOCKS4a).

    * Fix retrieval of status messages from users of ICQ 6.x, Miranda, and
      other libpurple clients. (Daniel Ljungborg)
    * Change client ID to match ICQ Basic 14.34.3096.  This fixes publishing
      of buddy icons and available messages.
    * Properly publish status messages for statuses other than Available.
      ICQ 6.x users can now see these status messages. (Daniel Ljungborg)
    * Fix receipt of messages from the mobile client Slick. (David Jedelsky)

    * Fix transfer of buddy icons, custom smileys, and files from the
      latest Windows Live Messenger 9 official client. (Thomas
    * Large (multi-part) messages are now correctly re-combined.
    * Federated/Yahoo! buddies should now stop creating sync issues at
      every signin.  You may need to remove duplicates in the Address
      Book.  See the FAQ for more information.  Thanks to Jason Lingohr
      for lots of debugging and testing.
    * Messages from Yahoo! buddies are no longer silently dropped.
    * We now save and use the CacheKey for ABCH SOAP requests.
    * Don't try to parse Personal Status Messages or Current Media if they
      don't exist.
    * Convert from ISO-8859-1 encoding to UTF-8 when no charset is specified
      on incoming messages.  This should fix some issues with messages from
      older clients.
    * Force sending the font "Segoe UI" if outgoing formatting doesn't specify
      a font already.
    * Queue callbacks when token updates are in progress to prevent two token
      update attempts from trampling each other.
    * Fixed a crash on Windows when removing a buddy's alias.
    * Update the Address Book when buddies' friendly names change.  This
      prevents seeing an outdated alias or not seeing an alias at all for
      buddies who are offline when you sign in.
    * Update tokens for FindMembership and ABFindAll SOAP requests.
    * We no longer try to send empty messages.  This could happen when a
      message contained only formatting and that formatting was not supported
      on MSN.
    * Buddies on both the Allow and Block list are now automatically
      removed from the Allow list.  Users with this problem will now no
      longer receive an ADL 241 error.  The problematic buddy should now
      appear on the buddy list and can be removed or unblocked as desired.

    * Resources using __HOSTNAME__ substitution will now grab only the short
      hostname instead of the FQDN on systems which put the FQDN in the
      hostname. (Matěj Cepl)
    * No longer send a 'to' attribute on an outgoing stanza when we haven't
      received one.  This fixes a registration bug as described in ticket

    * Tooltip windows now appear below the mouse cursor. (Kosta Arvanitis)
    * Tooltip windows now disappear on keypress events. (Kosta Arvanitis)
    * Tooltip windows no longer linger when scrolling the buddy list. (Kosta

    * Allow rebinding keys to change the focused widget (details in the
      man-page, look for GntBox::binding)

Várias correcções boas :)
Pidgin 2.5.6

Version 2.5.6 (05/19/2009)

View all closed tickets for this release.

  • libpurple
    • Improve sleep behavior by aggregation of longer timeouts on second boundaries to allow better power saving. (Arunan Balasubramaniam)
    • Fix various crashes on exit.
    • Make XML parsing more resilient to interactions with other libraries. This, along with the fix for libxml2 bug 564217, fixes the crashes on connect in XMPP with recent gst-plugins-bad (see #8830 for details).
    • Many security related fixes

  • IRC
    • Correctly handle WHOIS for users who are joined to a large number of channels.
    • Notify the user if a /nick command fails, rather than trying fallback nicks.

  • MSN
    • Fix a race condition causing occasional Pidgin crashes.
    • Fix some errors about the friendly name changing too fast caused by MSN/Yahoo integration buddies.

  • XMPP
    • Less likely to pop up a new conversation window in disregard of the "Hide new IM conversations" preference.

  • Yahoo
    • Fix a crash when sending very long messages.
    • Fix a bug where UTF-8 status messages get garbled when going idle.
Vamos lá ver se se porta melhor que o 2.5.5 que volta e meia crasha.
