Pinos Is For Linux Video What PulseAudio Is For Audio


Power Member
Pinos Is For Linux Video What PulseAudio Is For Audio
Just a few hours after writing about some new Linux video project dubbed "PulseVideo", Pinos was announced as a new initiative by Fedora Workstation for improving Linux video support.

Christian Schaller of Red Hat explained in the new blog post, "One of the original goals of Pinos was to provide the same level of advanced hardware handling for Video that PulseAudio provides for Audio. For those of you who has been around for a while you might remember how you once upon a time could only have one application using the sound card at the same time until PulseAudio properly fixed that. Well Pinos will allow you to share your video camera between multiple applications and also provide an easy to use API to do so."

Video frame passing will be done via file descriptors and the separate apps/processes will be communicated via DBUS. Pinos will make it easier to switch cameras in applications and for the same camera source to be used by multiple apps simultaneously, there will be support for multiple types of video inputs, GStreamer integration, and some audio support.

Pinos should allow better screencasting within GNOME 3, video support for desktop sandboxes, and many other potential use-cases. Find out more details via Christian's blog post. In an email, Christian mentioned why it didn't end up being called PulseVideo over name squatting.

Claro que a menção ao PulseAudio já causou flame por parte de muitos.
Overall acho muito bom, pode ser que finalmente se ultrapasse a limitação de uma webcam por programa.
Oh noes, os meus 0.001% de CPU e meia duzia de MB de disco ;)