Ponto de Restauro


Power Member
oi malta!

Eu uso Windows 98 e como sabem nao tem opçao de ponto de restauro

Eu preciso de criar pontos de restauro

alguem m ajuda a encontrar um software ou um aplicativo que faça isso
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4. Yes, you can repair Windows 98 too (or you can upgrade).

The ScanReg command in Windows 98 is more difficult to use than System Restore. But if you have your back to the wall, it could be a lifesaver. It is part of the Registry Checker. The Registry is the database that includes all of Windows' settings. Registry problems can knock your computer for a loop.
The Registry Checker is a Windows program that makes a backup of the Registry when you boot up. It you subsequently foul up the Registry, the Registry Checker will automatically use the back up.
You can tell Registry Checker to save past backups. Microsoft recommends that a maximum of five be saved, but you can store as many as 99. To change that setting, find the Scanreg.ini file in the Windows folder. To open it, double-click it. If necessary, tell Windows to open it in Notepad.
Change the proper line to say MaxBackupCopies=5, or whatever number you prefer.
If the Registry Checker does not automatically rescue the Registry, you can do it manually. Click Start > Shut Down > Restart in MS-DOS mode. At the command prompt, type "scanreg /restore" (without the quotes). Note that there is a space after scanreg. You'll be given a choice of dates. Select one and click Restore.
ScanReg and System Restore are worth remembering. With any luck, you may never need them. But they are wonderful insurance policies: easy to use and always ready to bail you out.
ajudou-me muito, mas gostava de ter uma coisa mais simples

ex: restauro de sistema do Windows XP
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