Porcos de Troia


Xbox ''Emulator'' for PC is a SHAM
Posted on May 09 2002,09:58 by ibelite | 0 Comments | Visit Forums

"An "Xbox emulator" currently being offered for free on the Web is actually a Trojan horse designed to covertly rack up money for its authors using pay-for-click and other schemes, malicious code experts said." newbyte

The install program is called "EMU_xbox.exe" and it is quite the crafty (crap-assed) way for a company to make money off of pay-per-click services. It installs a program called "NetBUIE.exe" that contacts many servers in order to fake paying click rate sites and it has "... contacted the Fastcounter site nearly 4 million times!" Each time is does this, the money gets racked up, well... it is supposed to.

The program originally came out in April, but it reached thousands of Internet xbox enthusiasts. It still comes up at the top of the list on google searches and many emulator sites still offer it up. You have been forewarned


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