Preferências do Sistema bloqueado.


Ao tentar mudar o fundo de secretária para uma fotografia a aplicação Preferências do Sistema bloqueou. Tudo continua a funcionar normalmente menos esta aplicação que bloqueia sempre que a abro, tendo que a encerrar forçando a saída.
Já reparei o Mac OS Lion mas não resolveu.
Alguém sabe como resolver esta questão?
eestou na mesma situação, alguma coisa que tenha haver com as preferencias do sistema, bloqueia e tudo o resto funciona menos isso. Ajuda?
Ao tentar mudar o fundo de secretária para uma fotografia a aplicação Preferências do Sistema bloqueou. Tudo continua a funcionar normalmente menos esta aplicação que bloqueia sempre que a abro, tendo que a encerrar forçando a saída.
Já reparei o Mac OS Lion mas não resolveu.
Alguém sabe como resolver esta questão?

Directo do Google :)

I had a similar problem while trying to install a new desktop picture. The system preferences are no more responding, but I cannot find the file in the library/preferences. Am I missing something? I am using a MacBook Air.


re: system preferences not responding lion
Feb 5, 2012 5:10 PM (in response to Grant Bennet-Alder

i had this problem after downloading the wallpaper hd lite app. i had to go in finder, hold alt button - go then down to the folder and type in:
~/library/preferences, then you have to delete, then restart and should work. hope this helps.

I JUST want to say thank you for this particular post, as well as the ones that followed! I was having trouble today after trying to go to system preferences and attempting to choose another desktop photo and all of a sudden I started getting the pinwheel or color wheel which just kept spinning....after several times of "force closing" it and going back to reattempt my efforts,

The only thing I might add is that I wasn't able to "delete" that particular file as mentioned above as when I would click on DELETE all that would happen was a tone would go off, but then I selected "Send To Trash" and that got rid of the file and I deleted it from my trash and then chose RESTART and all of the "SYSTEM PREFERENCES" began working again as well as acquring another photo for my desk top background.

