prob em apache2 e instalaçao de php....


Power Member
Ois, tenho a correr o apache 2.0.39 e meti o php. Fui ao site deles e saquei o php completo e o mais pequeno.

Alterei o o http.conf e inclui as duas linhas :

LoadModule php4_module c:/pro/apache/php/sapi/php4apache2.dll
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml

e copiei todos os dll que estao na pasta dlls do php e meti no system32 do winxp, e copiei o php.ini para a pasta do windows.

Tive a ver o manual do php e la dizem :
Note: You may find after using the windows installer for Apache that you need to define the AddModule directive for mod_php4.c in the configuration file (httpd.conf). This is done by adding AddModule mod_php4.c to the AddModule list, near the beginning of the configuration file. This is especially important if the ClearModuleList directive is defined. Failure to do this may mean PHP will not be registered as an Apache module.

So que nao encontro este file no pack do php.... alem disso, nao sei se sera desse file , mas o apache monitor diz que ta la o php 4.2.2 mas ele nao reconhece as extensoes php....

Tb posso tar um bocado cegueta :-D :-D :-D