Problemas com o Adium/hotmail


algum de voces esta a ter problemas com o hotmail ? nao consigo abrir a page no meu imac nem com o firefox nem com o operah (sei k o safari n da por defeito) , se abrir num windows de amigos ou do trabalho funciona na boa ca em casa no mac da-me sempre pagina invalida , o mesmo acontece com o adium a uma semana pra ca n consigo me conectar com os enderecos :( estranho é k com o mercury msn funciona na perfeiçao .
tmb tenho tido problemas mas é abrir a caixa do hotmail, nao consigo abrir nem apagar nem mover os mails..
mas com o msn7 nao tenho problema nenhum a entrar com a minha conta..
Aparentemente tem a ver com o ultimo upgrade do mac office um tal de "critical" k corta todo o que de microsoft se tem no sistema blokea os contactos no adium nao conectando, o acesso ao hotmail com qualker browser .
Solucao: apagar tudo o k de microsoft se tem no disco nos registos quer no finder quer na biblioteca ou formatar o disco para ter total acesso novamente ao hotmail
o problema que descreveste foi o que e aconteceu exactamente, fizeste akilo que esta no blog da apple?

se nao conseguires avisa.
Re: Mac unable to access and msn/adium but windows is able
Posted: Jun 26, 2008 3:44 PM in response to: winzee
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Maybe you've edited your hosts file in the past, and now those references to dns services does not work anymore.

try editing your /etc/hosts removing the last, bad entries.

something that sounds like ""

just to compare, here is my hosts file, working perfectly with every live services, msn account on adium included.

Host Database
localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
when the system is booting. Do not change this entry.
## localhost broadcasthost
::1 localhost
fe80::1%lo0 localhost

do not copy&past this on your terminal, just edit yours 'till it sounds like that one.

command line is: sudo nano /etc/hosts

then, crtl+x quits the application and pressing Y save changes: instructions are on the baseline of the console terminal.

if you are afraid of using terminal and don't feel safe about this, you can make a healty back-up of the hosts file you're going to edit.

just type:

sudo cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts_backup

that will create a copy of your hosts file named hosts_backup

if you'd like to restore your edited file, after applying & saving changes on it, just type:

sudo rm -f /etc/hosts

that will remove (-f is a tag that ensures that the file is forced to be removed even if it's not safe to) the file you've edited.


sudo mv /etc/hosts_backup /etc/hosts

will restore your old hosts file to one that can operate in your system.

I sincerely hope you'll get it done.

My girlfriend has this trouble too, and tomorrow morning I'm going to fix it that way: I'm quite sure it will work.

I'm truly sorry for my probably bad english

Bye everyone.
ja fiz a segunda parte ... mas n noto nada realmente a culpa é minha pois na altura k saiu o leopard instalei logo e o adium nao dava tendo eu ter k alterar essa config so que agora fazendo todos os paços e nao consigo alterar :/ holly crap
# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting. Do not change this entry.
## localhost broadcasthost
::1 localhost
fe80::1%lo0 localhost

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isto é o k me da como altero ? ou apagado as portas k estao fexadas ?