Problemas com o novo horario


I'm cool cuz I Fold
Bom o problema é o seguinte,eu estava no Winxp quando se deu a mudança de horario,ele ajustou automaticamente,ate aqui tudo bem,o problema foi depois que voltei ao Xubuntu,ele não vai de modas e mete ainda mais uma hora,ja tentei ajustar a hora manualmente mas apos um restart volta tudo ao mesmo,alguém sabe como posso resolver o problema?
num te deixa mudar a hora? nem no windows?

eu pra mudar a hora faço date -s
aki funciona... (mas tambem não ando a fazer reboots pra confirmar)

vai ler coisinhas sobre hardware clock -> UTC ou localtime.
Configura o ntp e desde que tenhas o computador ligado à Internet, tens sempre a hora, os minutos, os segundos e provavelmente as décimas de segundo acertadas com os relógios atómicos.
já agora partilha essas mestiriosas configurações no kernel

Tive de activar as seguintes opções:
-Real Time Clock (RTC_CLASS)
Generic RTC class support. If you say yes here, you will
be allowed to plug one or more RTCs to your system. You will
probably want to enable one or more of the interfaces below.
This driver can also be built as a module. If so, the module
will be called rtc-core.

-Set system time from RTC on startup and resume (RTC_HCTOSYS)
If you say yes here, the system time (wall clock) will be set using
the value read from a specified RTC device. This is useful to avoid
unnecessary fsck runs at boot time, and to network better.

-/proc/driver/rtc (procfs for rtc0) (RTC_INTF_PROC)
Say yes here if you want to use your first RTC through the proc
interface, /proc/driver/rtc. Other RTCs will not be available
through that API.
This driver can also be built as a module. If so, the module
will be called rtc-proc.

-/dev/rtcN (character devices) (RTC_INTF_DEV)
Say yes here if you want to use your RTCs using the /dev
interfaces, which "udev" sets up as /dev/rtc0 through
/dev/rtcN. You may want to set up a symbolic link so one
of these can be accessed as /dev/rtc, which is a name
expected by "hwclock" and some other programs.
This driver can also be built as a module. If so, the module
will be called rtc-dev.

Say "yes" here to get direct support for the real time clock
found in every PC or ACPI-based system, and some other boards.
Specifically the original MC146818, compatibles like those in
PC south bridges, the DS12887 or M48T86, some multifunction
or LPC bus chips, and so on.
Your system will need to define the platform device used by
this driver, otherwise it won't be accessible. This means
you can safely enable this driver if you don't know whether
or not your board has this kind of hardware.
This driver can also be built as a module. If so, the module
will be called rtc-cmos.