PS3 development to focus on gameplay not graphics

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Power Member
Sony Worldwide Studios boss says we'll now 'start to see something really unique and interesting'.

Speaking to Three Speech, President of Worldwide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida, has admitted that early game development for the PS3 focused on improving the visuals over the previous generation of titles at the expense of gameplay. However, this is something Yoshida-san expects to change as the console moves into its second and third years.

"This is a time when we feel more comfortable with the technology, so we can focus more on the actual game development. I think that's the same for the major developers and third parties. So, many games have focused on the graphics side, and it's often the case when a new platform comes out that the gameplay kind of goes back," he said. "But now, in the second and third years of the platform, we will start to see something really unique and interesting."

Yoshida-san also reiterated Sony's plan to ensure the PS3 is a relevant platform for a further ten years.

"... we can't say it will have a longer life than other platforms, because we don't know what their intentions are. PlayStation 2 is still doing very well in its eighth or ninth year. And what we are saying is that, because of what is included in the PS3, our intent is to make it a really relevant system for another ten years. And if it's longer than other companies' strategy, that's up to them to decide," Yoshida-san explained.

Can you see yourself buying new PS3 games in 2018? Let us know in the comments section below.
Espero bem que isso seja verdade, e não apenas conversa fiada. Tenho ficado bastante desiludido com esta geração até ver... todos os jogos que comprei foram sequelas (R&C:ToD ; DMC4 ; GTA IV ; MGS4), e nenhum deles que me conseguiu oferecer uma experiência mais rica do que as que tive na geração passada, com jogos do mesmo franchise.

Sei que isto que este senhor diz só se aplica a jogos made in Sony, mas já era altura de se começar a mudar a mentalidade no geral. Jogabilidade > Gráficos, ponto final. Sei que um não pode viver sem o outro, e convém sempre que os jogos tenham um bom aspecto... mas não se pode entrar em loucuras, e começar a cortar noutros aspectos. A dar primazia, que seja à jogabilidade!

Da Sony neste momento só espero ansiosamente por 2 jogos - God of War III & jogo da Team ICO. Espero que nenhum deles me desiluda.
Mas ele disse alguma coisa nova? Desde sempre que as coisas são assim, salvo raras excepções.

Quando sai uma consola nova os launch titles são quase sempre curtos e vê-se que o esforço foi todo para a parte visual.
Nos jogos seguintes os developers estão mais à vontade com a tecnologia, os engines podem ser reaproveitados, e o focus vai mais para o conteúdo.

Existem excepções claro mas no geral sempre foi assim.
Sony Worldwide Studios boss says we'll now 'start to see something really unique and interesting'.

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