PS3 Eye of Judgement (SCE)

VVhat disse:
Isto não é baseado num conceito desenvolvido por uns portugueses cujo propósito era ser o interface de futuros vaivens?

Isto basicamente é usar o eye-toy para mostrar uma realidade aumentada na TV, o que realmente deve ser muito giro para jogos de cartas.

Com o poderzinho de processamento da ps3(rotinas de interpretação de imagens em tempo real não são pêra doce), não me admirava que saiam alguns jogos que usem exclusivamente o eye-toy para controlo. Bastante interessante

Já viste, poderes espatar-te contra paredes virtuais enquanto fazias parkour? :D :D :D
nothing disse:
Já viste, poderes espatar-te contra paredes virtuais enquanto fazias parkour? :D :D :D

Então depois o que acontecia a mim? Atravessava a parede virtual, ou espetava-me na parede a sério?

Cá para mim o melhor é jogar às cartas, aleijo-me menos.
A ps3 morde
continuo a axar q é um simples jogo de cartas

bonito era ter uns hologramas a saltar das cartas e a andar a porrada ali na mesa

isso faz-me lembrar o batlechess q jogava no 286 :p

lolololol alguma já tinha visto a apresentação do jogo e fiquei impressionado,as imagens são todas ingame.
Não deve ficar muito mais caro do que o Eye toy, porque além da câmara apenas trará o cd, as cartas e o tabuleiro branco. Se isto correr bem, vai ter legiões de jogadores e fãs.
Over the last few past few months we’ve been touring the gaming convention scene with THE EYE OF JUDGMENT. We’ve received tremendous feedback from many of you at the San Diego Comic Con, Wizard World Chicago, GenCon & Penny Arcade Expo. There were lots of great questions out there, and we thought it would be good to do a quick recap of the “5 things you don’t know” about THE EYE OF JUDGMENT.

1. There is only one “E” in JUDGMENT
First off, not to sound like a middle school teacher, but I wanted to clarify the proper spelling of the word “JUDGMENT”. Notice that there is no “E” after “JUDG”. With apologies to our UK gamers, this is the correct spelling - according to Wikipedia (and no this definition wasn’t doctored by me or other SCE employee’s…figured I’d beat some of you to that snipe).

2. Pricing = $69.99
Yep, you’ve heard it here first. The SRP for THE EYE OF JUDGMENT software bundle in the US is $69.99. The bundle includes the following:
• THE EYE OF JUDGMENT software (disc case, manual, Blu-ray disc)
• PLAYSTATION Eye camera
• Judgment (camera) stand
• 9 Fields Battle Mat
• (1) Starter deck (includes 30 Summoning Cards + 4 Function Cards)
• (1) Booster pack (includes 8 randomly inserted Summoning Cards with one guaranteed to be rare or ultra rare)
Additionally, Summoning Cards will be sold separately in the form of Booster Packs and pre-constructed Theme Decks, available by Wizards of the Coast.
• Booster Pack: SRP = $3.75
• Pre-constructed Theme Deck: SRP = $14.99 (Five different Theme Decks available. Each fully playable and include a bonus Summoner’s Companion book with background, play tips and card lists)

3. Availability
THE EYE OF JUDGMENT will ship to North American stores on 10/23 to sync with a global launch by the end of October. With a global rollout, gamers on the PLAYSTATION Network will be able to battle against fellow EOJ players from around the world.

4. Expansion Packs
The October launch of THE EYE OF JUDGMENT and its Summoning Cards introduces the first in a long series of card sets available for play. Stay tuned for further announcements on upcoming expansion packs and new Summoning Cards. Each new set will consist of more powerful creatures and spells to introduce new strategies and gameplay mechanics to refresh the EOJ gaming experience.

5. Online cheating
The most popular question we’ve heard revolves around online cheating. Mainly, “What’s going to prevent players from ‘stacking the deck’ when playing online?” – meaning, cheating your card draw so you get your best cards from the start. Fortunately, THE EYE OF JUDGMENT introduces a new paradigm in drawing cards when playing against your opponents online. First, you’ll have to register and save your Summoning Deck, offline. Then, when logged on, you select the Summoning Deck you wish to play. Once paired up with your opponent, the PS3 will automatically shuffle and randomly pull your cards for you. Once these cards are selected, you must pull these cards from your ‘physical’ deck and draw them to your hand and play the Summoning Cards on the Battle Mat, as normal.

Take a peek at a new video that we created to help outline this completely unique gaming experience merging the best of two worlds – video games and trading card battles. Enjoy!

70€ camara mais jogo, parece-me bem.