[PS3] Warhawk™ (Incognito Entertainment Inc.)

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Warhawk is a fast-paced multiplayer third-person shooter, vehicle and flight combat game developed by Incognito Entertainment exclusively for the PlayStation 3. It is a remake of an aerial warfare game of the same name, which was a launch title on the original PlayStation. Apart from the similarity of controlling aircraft, the remake bears little other resemblance. It was the first PlayStation 3 game to be available both for download on the PlayStation Network and for retail on BD-ROM.For the United States, Blu-Ray and PlayStation Network versions were released on August 28, 2007. The PlayStation Network version was released in Europe, Australia and Japan on August 30, August 31 and October 4 respectively. The Blu-ray disc version was released in Australia and Europe on September 20 and September 21, respectively, but was not released in Japan.[1]
Warhawk was initially intended to have both single-player and multiplayer modes, however the single-player element was canceled during development due to concerns that it was inferior to the game's multiplayer component.[2] The game was released with five maps (each with five possible configurations) and four game types, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Zones and Capture The Flag. After the 1.4 update, the number of game types increased to six with the addition of the Hero and Collection modes. Three optional expansion packs for the game containing new maps and equipment increase the number of available maps to eight.
Warhawk was met with a generally positive reception by reviewers. However, for a few months after its initial launch it was plagued by connection and server issues, including ranking issues with players, which were subsequently corrected in updates.[3] The player is able to rank-up though 20 ranks ranging from Recruit to General, unlocking new personnel and aircraft customization options at each rank.
Fonte: Wikipédia


Este é, sem dúvida alguma, um dos melhores jogos que tenho para a PS3.
Alguém aqui do fórum tem este jogo? É que gostaria de jogar com pessoal conhecido. Tem mais piada matar alguém com quem podemos gozar :D
Ya, é repost, mas acho que os mods deviam incluir o outro topico neste e nao o contrario, ou pelo menos o primeiro post pq este esta mais completo.
Just my 2 cents

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