[PSN] Flock

The Outsider

Power Member



Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a ... lovable animal-herding UFO! In Flock, players take control of an alien UFO that is tasked with herding animals to its mothership through a variety of interactive levels. Players will have to overcome the stubbornness of the temperamental beasts (this may require the use of fear, or amorous yearnings, etc.), as well as a series of environmental puzzles that must be solved using Flock’s physics-based gameplay. By finding or making a passable route, players can herd the animals safely toward the ship. Solving the puzzles within the suggested time limit yields exciting rewards. But players can also take their time to find more hidden bonuses.
Flock uses a sophisticated physics engine that drives the challenging puzzle elements of the game. Whether it’s using the Tractor beam to move obstacles out of the way, or the Depressor beam to stamp out crop circles to guide your herds, being an extraterrestrial has never been this addictive. Friends can also join in through co-op play. And when all the levels have been completed, users can make their own with the level editor that comes with the game.
E3 2008: Debut Trailer HD

Vi a apresentação do jogo no Qore de Dezembro e achei bem engraçado :)
Tinha visto um vídeo há algum tempo e pareceu-me engraçado. principalmente a parte de co-op.
O mais certo é sair mais tarde, e para todos a demo que saiu apenas para quem tem subscrição anual do Qore. E cá fico à espera. :-D
Tambem o vi no Qore de Dezembro e fiquei mesmo muito entusiasmado com este jogo.
Gosto bastante de puzzle games e este parece de luxo, compra obrigatória para mim :)

Alguma previsao de lauch date?

Sorry. We couldn’t think of a headline “pun” involving the word “f*ck”.

Capcom’s sheep-herding arcade alien thing, Flock!, will release on PC on April 7, Xbox Live April 8, and PSN on April 9, according to IGN.

The title puts you in a flying saucer equipped with an ovine-repelling beam of light, and puzzles are your crazy, freaking, moon-man business.

Don’t like the sound of it? Flock off, then
Review: Eurogamer - 5

The joke, of course, is that technically Flock isn't particularly difficult. You'll whip through its sixty levels in little more than a particularly dreary afternoon. It's just so mediocre that when your herd goes the wrong way and renders the last three minutes of your life null and void in an official capacity you feel an urge to go outside and hurt things.
At a base level, then, I do not recommend Flock! It starts out fresh and faintly interesting, starts to move the furniture around in an increasingly desperate attempt to keep the romance alive and ends up with you developing so many emotional hang-ups and irrational outbursts of bottomless rage that all the good times are purged from your mind. It is, in short, like the most damaging relationship you've ever had.
Criticam a longevidade visto que o jogo demora um pouco mais que uma tarde para acabar (4-6 horas?), mas tendo em conta que este jogo vai custar muito menos do que um jogo "normal", não entendo esta crítica visto que muitos desses jogos "normais" têm a mesma longevidade e poucos ultrapassam as 10 horas.

Depois diz que o jogo não é díficil mas ao mesmo tempo teve ataques de raiva enquanto jogava. Eurogamer :-D

Fico à espera de outras reviews que façam algum sentido.