Que toque usam para despertador?


It's christmas eve and I've only wrapped two fuckin' presents
It`s christmas eve and I've only wrapped two fuckin' presents
And I hate, hate, hate your guts,
I hate, hate, hate your guts,
And I'll never talk to you again,
unless your dad will suck me off
I'll never talk to you again
unless your mom will touch my cock
I'll never talk to you again
ejaculate into a sock
I'll never talk to you again,
I'll never talk to you again

It's Labor day and my grandpa just ate seven fuckin' hot dogs
It`s Labor day and my grandpa just ate seven fuckin' hot dogs
and he shit shit shit in his pants.
He always fuckin' shits in his pants
And I'll never talk to you again
unless your dad will suck me off
I'll never talk to you again
unless your mom will touch my cock
I'll never talk to you again
ejaculate into a sock
I'll never talk to you again,
I'll never talk to you again

It's christmas eve and I've only wrapped two fuckin' presents
It`s christmas eve and I've only wrapped two fuckin' presents
And I hate, hate, hate your guts,
I hate, hate, hate your guts,
And I'll never talk to you again,
unless your dad will suck me off
I'll never talk to you again
unless your mom will touch my cock
I'll never talk to you again
ejaculate into a sock
I'll never talk to you again,
I'll never talk to you again

It's Labor day and my grandpa just ate seven fuckin' hot dogs
It`s Labor day and my grandpa just ate seven fuckin' hot dogs
and he shit shit shit in his pants.
He always fuckin' shits in his pants
And I'll never talk to you again
unless your dad will suck me off
I'll never talk to you again
unless your mom will touch my cock
I'll never talk to you again
ejaculate into a sock
I'll never talk to you again,
I'll never talk to you again

Blink 182 é outro nível:D
Eu cá uso um toque à homem. É daqueles toques que se ao fim de 20 segundos não estás fora da cama é porque estás morto. Podes ouvi-lo aqui
para acordar sempre bem disposto de manhã aconselho o toque "Rectal", da banda "Os urologistas brincalhões"
não uso pois infelizmente o meu telemóvel não permite a utilização de toques que não sejam os predefinidos
Embora como disse atrás use neste momento este (best-wakeup-ringtone-ever!! :D), durante muito tempo usei este, para acordar com espirito vencedor não há melhor :D