Questões legais de Importação de PSPs


Power Member
Sony Europe takes PSP importers to court

Psp_1_7Sony is taking retailers importing PSPs in from abroad ahead of the official UK launch in September to court. Sony is currently understood to be preparing an injunction to stop sales, following that with a claim for damages arising from copyright infringement. At least one independent web retailer has sworn publicly to fight Sony.

It’s ok, Sony won’t hurt you

Sony caused a stir this week as a Guardian article reported that customers who have bought imported PSPs in the UK ahead of the European release could have their handheld impounded. A part of Sony’s anti grey import legal bid demands that “details of the British purchasers are handed over by the importing companies”. This is could be taken as Sony wanting to send a gang of heavies round to the person’s house and liberate them of their £200 toy with a quiet word in the ear and a gentle fist in the eye. Fortunately in response to outcry at these reports, SCEE has been swift in assuring the press that no action will be taken against individuals who bought a grey PSP, but if Sony’s high court action is successful it will have your name and address handed over, so it might be a good idea to think about getting some stronger locks.
Sumerset disse:
Sony Europe takes PSP importers to court

Psp_1_7Sony is taking retailers importing PSPs in from abroad ahead of the official UK launch in September to court. Sony is currently understood to be preparing an injunction to stop sales, following that with a claim for damages arising from copyright infringement. At least one independent web retailer has sworn publicly to fight Sony.
Acerca do "web retailer":

acho isto de bastante mau gosto da SCEE, uma vez que nem a SCEA fez algo contra o lik-sang e afins, as pessoas têm o direito de importar as coisas... :(

E lojas com licenças legais que pagam impostos e taxas legais têm o direito de exportar as coisas. já se sabe que estas "consolas" não apareçem na loja da esquina, são os compradores que a procuram...

Como se sabe há um grande mercado de coleccionadores e importadores que não podem ser sujeitos a pressões a partir de uma divisão da empresa a quem compraram os produtos.
A Sony é que criou a procura do produto não sei porque é que agora deveriam tirar as consolas ou "castigar" os exportadores só porque foram vender as consolas a quem as procurou.

Eles é que deveriam ir a tribunal pela questão dos pixeis.