R520, "Fudo" is Longhorn WGF 1.0 compliant


Power Member
To launch in June

PRIOR TO ITS LAUNCH, expected in June, we have a few additional details about ATI's flagship R520 chip.

It turns out that R520 won't just have Shader Model 3.0 it will eventually have support for upcoming Longhorn WGF 1.0 specification. WGF does not stand for Which Graphic Freak, it's an abbreviation of Windows Graphic Foundation. This is what Microsoft has decided to call Direct3D in the future.

WGF 1.0 is actually Direct3D 9.0+ or just beyond the DirectX 9.0c specification. It's also called DX 9.L where L possibly stands for Longhorn.

We are not sure which kind of Shader support you need to be WGF 1.0 compliant, but we are quite sure that we are talking about Shader Model 3.0, as it's time for ATI to go down that road.

We also know that this chip is built on a 90 nanometre process and that even the R530 and RV515 will be based on the same marchitecture.

R520 is expected to perform twice as fast as the X800 generation, will have digital HDTV support, and will come in 256MB and 512MB variants.

I guess that WGF 1.0 support comes for all the developers who want to play with it prior to the launch of Longhorn, but be aware there is also a WGF 2.0 spec that is also known as DirectX 10 or DirectX Next, so that is going to be the real stuff.

Hardware supporting this feature comes in a year's time, in 2006, sometime before the Microsoft Longhorn launch. It might be called R620 but it's still too early to talk about that.

so espero que o longhorn funcione bem com os sistemas actuais , principalmente com as graficas , mas e uma boa ter um ambiente de trabalho com acelaração 3d :D , bem se o chip r520 tem o dobro da performance de uma x800 isso vai ser brutal jogar tipo far cry a mais de 200 fps :lol:
Qlqr placa com directx 9 (mesmo shader model 2.0) funcionará com o Aero Glass, o interface 3D, mesmo q n tenha SM 2.0 as placas funcionarão com o interface do actual windows, aliás, já experimentei a versão desse novo interface 3D e, mesmo em versão inacabada, já dá para ver que vai fazer sensação, aquele efeito de ripple na janela a correr um dvd, como se pegássemos numa folha de papel A4 pelo topo com 3 dedos e a abanássemos fazendo ondas, mesmo enquanto é arrastada, e store in background é espectacular, se bem q aínda em baixa resolução, pois isto aínda é software alpha.
A MS tb diz q este funciona em Win XP e até pode lançar uma versão final para este, de forma a aumentar a base de aplicações suportadas.

Última edição:
"On the face of things there are going to be some disappointments." - Dave Baumann

Falando acerca das expectativas exageradas em relação às novas R520 e Geforce. Ele costuma estar "por dentro" e muito bem colocado em termos de fontes de informação da ATI/NVIDIA.