Multiplataforma Rainbow Six Siege (Ubisoft Montreal)

Para mim é simples, temos malta para ranked? Vamos a ranked, nem que seja 2 ou 3. Não temos? Ou mandamos convite a quem estiver online ou vamos para casual...

Realmente este jogo com estas coisas perde a piada toda, já não basta o blitz estar completamente OP ainda aparece um glitch destes, enfim...
Ainda bem que saiu o FC5 para não ter só o R6 pra dar uns tiros

Eu sou mais jogador solo, sempre o fui, e gostei sempre de jogar assim. Claro, por vezes perco um bocado a imersão e no resultado, mas nada de mais. Atualmente, jogo quase só ao fim-de-semana com um familiar, Aliás, por vezes o tempo nem é muito, e só o tempo que perco em enviar convites, esperar pelo pessoal, etc etc, lá vai.

Já quando andava no CS, andei sempre mais para o "competitivo", e então tinha um grupo de amigos para jogar, e era uma "equipa" praticamente. Mas quando tinha que ir solo, ia sem problema.
Realmente este jogo com estas coisas perde a piada toda, já não basta o blitz estar completamente OP ainda aparece um glitch destes, enfim...
Ainda bem que saiu o FC5 para não ter só o R6 pra dar uns tiros

Esse do no recoil.. coisa tão nojenta!! Já não pego no jogo à umas 2 semanas, tenho saudades mas enfim
Isto esta a ficar ridículo... ontem consegui apanhar pessoal a usar o glitch 3 vezes seguidas em casual!
Depois vou para ranked e acabo a jogar 2 x 5 em overtime...
Não percebo a demora em corrigir bugs e implementar penalidades mais severas para quem sai dos jogos ranked...
Custa assim tanto adicionar uma opção de report especifico para quem usa bugs/glitches?
Eu, como developer, até sinto vergonha alheia com isto tudo. :/
Tenho andado a jogar mais Siege, estes dias desci para Gold I mas ontem já subi para Platina III novamente. Deixo aqui duas jogadas de ontem, uma foi mesmo disparar e ter sorte, o outro foi mais um Ace mas desta vez com o Thatcher.

Se calhar muitos de vos já tem, mas para quem não o Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands esta free to play durante o fim de semana e se jogarem podem receber a skin exclusiva para a C7E do Jackal. Só tem de fazer o DL e esperar uns 5min e podem ir ao Siege - Club Ubisoft - Rewards e tem á a skin para desbloquear.
Oh Hibana!! :(



The “Designer’s Notes” series will provide you with insight into our Balancing team’s thoughts on Operator balancing around the middle of each Season. These will come after we have reviewed the data and feedback from the new Operators and changes. We are hosting an AMA on our subreddit starting at 2:00pm EDT (April 24th). After reading these changes, please head here[] to ask your questions!

We utilize data and player feedback to make decisions on adjustments. With that in mind, we wanted to share some of the data they have been looking at for our various Operators. The following charts plot the power (Win Delta) and popularity (Pick Rate) of the Operators on Attack and Defense. The Win Delta is the average win ratio when an Operator is picked minus the average win ratio when an Operator is not picked.







Our data indicates that Lion is currently too strong. He is close to 100% pick in Pro League, and his win delta is too high in Ranked as well. We have also observed feedback stating that he was not fun to play against. As such, our Balancing team has been looking at a few changes to bring him in line with other Attackers.


If you are detected by Lion’s Scan, it will stop displaying your outline as long as you are not moving. This has two main consequences:

  • If detected and a player stops moving, the outline will no longer appear – Attackers may know where you are, but you will be able to change your stance without them knowing.
  • If detected very briefly, it will be more difficult for Attackers to locate your position.

This is only a first step to give Defenders more options of counter-play against Lion’s detection. We are still looking into improving how Lion’s detection works and your feedback will help us get a better idea of how to proceed.


We will be reducing the number of charges from 3 to 2, and increasing the cooldown between each charge from 10 to 20 seconds. We want to force players to make a more careful choice when they want to trigger Lion’s Scan. Players are currently able to chain the scans too much during crucial moments.


Jäger’s Magpies will no longer destroy Hibana’s X-KAIROS pellets. We have disabled that interaction, so that she cannot deny Jäger’s Magpie system so efficiently.

A single shot from the X-KAIROS launcher is able to deplete the charges from multiple Magpies without the large utility cost for the Attacking team. This contributes to Hibana’s overall utility, and thus increases her pick rate. Removing this interaction will drive teams to utilize more of their utility in order to maneuver around Jäger’s Magpie systems.


We are looking for ways to make Blitz fun to play without making him frustrating to play against.

As such, Blitz’s shield flash range is being reduced from 8 meters to 5 meters. He will also have fewer charges, from 5 to 4.

The Y3S1 Blitz change has brought his pick rate closer to the average, but his win delta remains too high. Reducing his flashing power is a first step in that direction. We are looking into ways to give Defenders more options to counter him at melee range, but that will take more time.


We are altering how players use the Electronic Rendering Cloak. It will now deplete its charge in 12 seconds, as opposed to 30 seconds. It will now refill in half the time, from 12 seconds to 6 seconds.

Following the nerf to Ela, Vigil has risen to the top of the pack and has become one of the strongest roamers in the game. This change will challenge Vigil player’s resource management, and require more skillful use to remain effective. We plan to keep an eye on his load out (weapons in particular) moving forward.


Hibana will be losing her Claymore, and receiving a Breaching Charge.

She is picked too often in Pro and Ranked play. This is because she brings crucial utility to the Attackers. She is better at gunfights than Thermite, but we want to adjust her utility before touching her weapons. Thermite will be the only hard breacher with a Claymore, and we expect this swap will rebalance their popularity. There may be more changes in the future, but we would like to keep an eye on the impact of this utility change first.


We are swapping out Ying’s Smoke Grenades for a Claymore.

She is currently too strong in highly organized groups, and too weak in high level Ranked matches. This change, coupled with the LMG changes, will make her a more balanced choice in both contexts.


Globally, LMGs are too weak right now. We made a pass on their damage to normalize it against their generally low rate of fire. We will also review their recoil once we have implemented the new recoil system.







Our data indicates that Finka’s win rate is too high right now. We want to take some time to investigate why that is before making any changes. Our focus will be to study the effects of her recoil reduction, speed boost through barbed wire, and health boost. For the speed and health boost, we will need more data to ensure that we are making the right adjustments. For Recoil, we do not want to change it before the implementation of the new recoil system. Doing so would result in clouded data and feedback.


Ela is currently in a much better place. The data indicates that she has an acceptable pick and win rate. We do not foresee any more changes being necessary in the short term, but will keep an eye on her.


Our team learned a lot from the test server and iterations on Blitz’s changes. One of our key takeaways being a clarification on priorities.

When an Operator’s core gameplay varies from your typical Siege gunplay, it is particularly difficult to handle balancing wise – with Shield Operators and Glaz being the best examples.

We will keep trying to make each Operator a viable choice, but we recognize that this cannot be done at the cost of players’ enjoyment. If we see that increasing an Operator’s pick rate while keeping their current mechanics is frustrating, we will look for other ways to make changes.


We have seen player feedback that the META currently feels faster than it has in the past. The average round length has gone from 2:24 to 2:15. We expect that the nerf to Lion will have an impact on how the META feels, and the length of rounds.

To ensure that your questions from these changes are answered, our balancing team will be participating in an AMA on our subreddit starting at 2:00pm EDT, April 24th. Please head here to ask them your questions! We look forward to seeing you there.
Pick and Ban is a set of custom game options that players are able to activate when they create a custom game. To play with the new Pick and Ban system, you will first need to create a custom game. Then navigate to the match settings section of the custom game options. From here, you can activate/deactivate the ban feature. You will also need to select the time per ban phase. To mirror the Pro League settings, you will also want to activate 6th pick, and select the time for this pick phase. Finally, set the round rotation to Win/Play.

We are looking for feedback on the UI and overall player experience with the Pick and Ban settings active. Additionally, any feedback regarding how Pick and Ban plays out within the game is welcome as well! Please submit that feedback here.

We are iterating on the weapon sight misalignment fix that was tested in the previous Test Server. We have made some minor tweaks and will be testing it again. We are looking forward to your feedback on this version of the weapon sight misalignment fix, and request that you submit all feedback here.

We wanted to improve the visual and audio feedback when disabling the Defuser. This is an animation change, so the interaction distance and conditions will be the same.

We are changing how your character behaves when going from standing or crouch to prone. If you are aiming down sights while doing this action, you will shift to a hip fire shooting stance. We felt this action is too strong and frustrating to play against.

With additional Observation tools coming to the game, we needed to rework how players interact with them. This new system will come with a cleaner UI, and a better player experience overall.

Some of our Operators will receive a deployable bulletproof camera to as a secondary gadget.

Over the last two years, we have noticed the trade-off between armor and speed is too skewed to higher speed. As such, we will be making the following changes:

  • 3 Speed Operators slightly slower
  • 1 Speed Operators slightly faster
  • Small increase to movement speed with handguns out (Automatic sidearms excluded)
  • No movement speed penalty for shield Operators when the shield is on their back
We are looking at giving Echo a second Yokai drone, and adjusting the recharge rate of his gadget. The goal is to encourage him to take more risks throughout the round.

  • Clubhouse appears in the custom game list but is not playable.
  • If a player leaves the game while their Yokai drones are deployed, they will disappear.
  • Lone Wolf Terrorist Hunt does not launch on first try.
  • Occasionally, players can be stuck in their spawn.

Isto sim é incessante.

Some of our Operators will receive a deployable bulletproof camera to as a secondary gadget.