PC Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege (Ubisoft Montreal)

Rainbow Six Siege Y4S1 Burnt Horizon release times
For starters, the update will go live today on all platforms following one hour of maintenance that kicks off at the times below:

  • PC: 6am PT, 9am ET, 2pm UK
  • PS4: 7am PT, 10am ET, 3pm UK
  • Xbox One: 8am PT, 11am ET, 4pm UK
Rainbow Six Siege Y4S1 Burnt Horizon download size
All players will be required to essentially re-download the entire game, making for a much larger patch than usual. Ubisoft said this is necessary to rearrange the file structure, which will result in a smaller install size overall after taking the patch.

On PC, you’re looking at a 54GB download, compared to 33GB on PS4, and 38GBon Xbox One. When that’s done, Rainbow Six Siege will take up 60GB of space on PC instead of 79GB. On PS4, that’s 65GB down to 40GB, and 75GB to 41GB on Xbox One.

patch notes

03/04/2019 12:00 PM


We’ve made a number of changes and updates over the course of the Burnt Horizon Season Test Server. Below you will find a list of changes and updates.

To help optimize player experience for future updates, we are also in the process of restructuring how our game data is stored – this will help consolidate and reduce the overall game size. This means that the Burnt Horizon Patch will be larger than normal. Patch sizes for each platform will be provided prior to maintenance.

  • Previous camera placement at a full lean allowed players to fire without being completely exposed. As part of our fix to counteract lean spamming, we are shifting the camera to the center of the head instead of the far side of the head, even when at a “full lean”.

  • With Y4S1, we have cleaned up the animations in the back end, and streamlined them. This will allow us more freedom to implement new features and unique aspects of the game in the future, as the overall animation development pipeline has been streamlined. We have also updated the new running animations based on the player feedback we received so that the head lean is less aggressive to make the sprint animation look more natural.

  • Minimum Clearance Level for Ranked Playlist increased from 20 to 30.
  • Reduction in HP after being revived from a DBNO state: PvP = 20 (down from 50), THunt = 15.
  • Holosight color is now determined by the base skin of the weapon it is equipped on.
  • Back to Wind Bastion version.
We're reverting Capitao back to his Wind Bastion version while we take a look at and evaluate the data and feedback we've gathered.

  • Auto – hangup timer of Dokkaebi calls reduced to 12 seconds (down from 18).
We're cutting down the amount of time it takes to auto–hangup a call based on feedback, so mom will go to voicemail faster now.

  • Fixed – When prone, moving/turning the camera even slightly will cause the Operator to make noise.
    This problem is tied to the shield operator rotation fix for Y4S1, so we're reverting back to the old rotation system for the time being.
    What that means for the Shield Rotation Desync fix: While we have reverted the new rotation system for now to address the rotational noise issues, we're going to work on improvements to the rotation system and the shield desync fix so neither is an issue. Unfortunately, this means that the shield rotation desync issue will be present again for the time being. We are still targeting some time during Y4S1 for the shield rotation fix to be implemented, and will update players when we have more info.
  • Fixed – Incorrect kill feed Death Icon.
  • Fixed – Attacker's still receive electric damage even after leaving electrified reinforced walls.
  • Fixed – Defenders are not being affected by Mute's Jammer when prone (players not registered as being within the AOE buff, blue indicator missing, cleanse not in effect).
  • Fixed – Attackers can control a drone if they deploy a drone while being injured at the same time.
  • Fixed – Transition animation from prone to sprint is almost instantaneous (the worm).
  • Fixed – Moving while prone and leaning produces no sound.
  • Fixed – Deploy and pick up animations are broken for the shield operators in 1st and 3rd person when using the breach charge.
  • Fixed – Shield clipping when a shielded operator reload while aiming down at the ground.
  • Fixed – Defenders pushed back by Nomad's Airjab into Gridlock's Trax Stingers destroy them without taking any damage.
  • Fixed – Gridlock's Trax Stingers sometimes don't deploy.
  • Fixed – Gridlock's M249 SAW contains an extra bullet.
  • Fixed – Gridlock's F90 reload animation restarts if the reload animation is interrupted.
  • Fixed – Pest is unusable if deployed on Mute's Jammer.
  • Fixed – Pest can hack drones through single bullet holes on single layered destroyable surfaces.
  • Fixed – Alibi's hologram still appears even when an Attacking Operator is moving through/on top of the gadget while in prone.
  • Fixed – Fire rate of Buck and Blackbeard's DMR in PVE are too low.
  • Fixed – Fire rate on Caveira’s Luison is lower than intended.
  • Fixed – Barbed wire is being electrified when vertically outside of the active radius of Kaid's Rtila.
  • Fixed – Ying’s Burnt Horizon headgear model collapses her character model.
  • Fixed – When sprinting, IQ keeps her gadget up to her face.
  • Fixed – Popping animation when IQ is prone and leaning with her gadget.
  • Fixed – Leaning with IQ's gadget while rappelling is not replicated from a third person POV on her model.
  • Fixed – Various level of detail fixes across maps.
  • Fixed – Sound does not propagate through a section of the floor in 2F office in Outback.
  • Fixed – Players can vault onto the fridge in 1F Convenience Store in Outback.
  • Fixed – Pixel line of sight in Compressor of Outback.
  • Fixed – Players can get stuck inside a barrel after vaulting the fence in EXT Storage Yard of Outback.
  • Fixed – Players can get onto the ceiling tarp in Gear Store in Outback.
  • Fixed – Players can plant the defuser on the ceiling tarp in Gear Store in Outback.
  • Fixed – Players can vault onto the shelf in 1F Garage in Outback.
  • Fixed – Players cannot place barbed wire on 2F Back Stairs of Outback.
  • Fixed – Defenders are being detected on the Stairs in 2F Outback.
  • Fixed – Defuser can't be planted on the North side of 1F Bushranger room in Outback.
  • Fixed – Vaulting inconsistency in Convenience Store in Outback.
  • Fixed – Spawn locations are misplaced on the Outback map overview.
  • Fixed – Placeholder model can be found in the 4F Cockpit on Yacht.
  • Fixed – The black holographic sight takes more space in the screen than the brown one.
  • Fixed – Visual issues with some models' eyes + eyelashes.
  • Fixed – After cooking a frag grenade until it explodes, the grenade model remains + nearby grenade indicator remains for other players.
  • Fixed – Overexposure of items when viewing in the shop/preview when switching between items.
  • Fixed – In PvE/custom, hostage can be picked up before the progress bar is full.
  • Fixed – Operators missing VO lines in the Article 5 PvE mission.
  • Fixed – Character animations freeze in the main menu.
  • Fixed – Pistol appears in the hands of an Operator when throwing their Drone.
  • Fixed – Holographic sight is sometimes reflective and unusable.
  • Fixed – Laser attachment is slightly misaligned with the mod rail for the SASR’s Super Shorty.
  • Fixed – FPS Drops.
  • Fixed – All skins/uniforms should now be available and correctly skinned/equippable.
  • Fixed – The "Ocean's Teeth" Weapon Skin for IQ's 552 Commando is unavailable.
  • Fixed – Crocodylus weapon skin missing texture.
  • Fixed – Some legacy weapon skins missing for the Primary and Secondary shotgun for SASR ops.
  • Fixed – Volcano and some weapon skins apply to the .44 Mag Semi–auto's scope.
  • Fixed – Elite Ash Chibi isn't displaying when equipped on Shields.
  • Fixed – Minor errors in the loadout description of Hibana's Elite skin.
  • Fixed – Spelling error on Mozzie's badge in bio.

Pois, a mim não me incomoda muito ter de fazer o download do jogo todo uma vez que tenho gigabit em casa, incomoda-me é se as settings e binds forem para o casco como de costume... mas para quem não tem sequer fibra de 100mbits deve ser muito lixado.
A mim nunca me aconteceu isso de perder as settings e as keybinds com um update. O update para mim acabou por ser cerca de 35GB, por isso presumo que os 50 e tal que eles anunciaram era a contar o pack das texturas opcional.
A Ubisoft avisou que os settings iam ao ar com este update. Está nos anúncios do jogo, logo no primeiro menu.
É chato, mas pior foi mesmo o download de 35Gb, que ainda demorou um bom bocado.

Já joguei o novo mapa e gostei. Aparece muitas vezes na rotação, por isso já deu para experimentar várias vezes.
Já encontrei pessoal a jogar com os novos operadores e não achei que estão overpowered, mas também pode ser porque as pessoas ainda estão a descobrir como usar.
Como não comprei o Year 4 pass, não joguei com estes novos operadores.
Queres ver que o jogo agora não é igual para todos, no PC acabei mesmo agora de fazer download disto tudo e não tenho o pack de altas texturas instalado

as settings acho que só me aconteceu uma vez, mas as binds já várias vezes que foram à vida, aliás a ubi até avisa quando fazem updates em que as binds vão há vida por isso tem de ser geral.
Estes placements são do pior que há, na equipa adversária há sempre alguém a matar meia equipa, no meu lado vejo gajos que nem lean usam e literalmente não conseguem matar um gajo de costas :facepalm:

Tudo bem que normalmente só ando por Gold, mas estes primeiros 3 jogos de placements que fiz foram todos como descrevi, que ridículo.
Pode ser que o pessosal mais novato comece a ir para o matchmaking dos jogos de nivel 50 ou abaixo.
É uma forma de aprenderem ser serem vitimas de pessoal mais experiente e é uma forma de evitarem estragar o jogo a outros jogadores, enquando aprendem a jogar.
Por acaso foi interessante que desta vez, tanto as settings como as binds ficaram todas, no inicio do jogo só informou que alteraram o gadget deployment para avançado, e sim foi apenas o que mudou para mim.
A mim, sempre que há um grande update, é verdade que me aparece o aviso dentro do jogo a dizer que as configurações voltaram ao default, mas por acaso nunca me aconteceu.

Ainda não joguei muito o novo mapa, mas pelo pouco que joguei não me pareceu ser muito vertical, mas claro que isto só se ira ver mais la para a frente.

Quanto aos operadores, a Gridlock sinceramente acho que não compensa, é 1 speed/3 armour e a gadget só é realmente util para defender o defuser depois do plant. Por outro lado o Moxxie é bastante util logo durante a fase de preparação, podendo substituir a Valkyrie em certos casos.
Achas? Então e cortar as late round rotations, se souberes bem onde colocar forças os defensores a dar a posição num re-take.
Certo, mas até que ponto compensa escolhê-la em vez de outro operador? Penso que seja essa a questão. Se uma equipa levar 1 hard breacher, 1 soft breacher, alguem para limpar a utilidade (twitch/thatcher/maverick/etc), sobram apenas dois lugares. Prefiro que um destes seja um Jackal ou Dokkaebi, e que o último lugar se reserve a uma Ying, Glaz ou Monty.

Para além do mais, na minha opinião a Nomad é muito mais eficaz, pois não é só mais rápida, mas a sua gadget é muito mais pequena e difícil de evitar. A gadget da Gridlock demora muito até estar completamente instalada e faz muito barulho durante este tempo. Talvez esteja a tirar conclusões precipitadas, mas lá para meio da temporada já se deve ter uma melhor ideia sobre o futuro dela dentro do jogo.


Já agora, para quem tiver pontos para gastar na Uplay, também foram adicionados nas recompensas 2 boosters de renown, um de 3 dias e outro de 7, que custam 70 e 140 pontos respectivamente.
Eles disseram que desta vez o update ia ser maior porque mudaram a forma como os ficheiros do jogo são armazenados. Desta forma os próximos updates vão ser mais pequenos, e após este update o jogo até ocupa menos espaço do que antes do update. Bruxaria :D
03/20/2019 12:00 PM



We are excited about the changes we have coming in the Test Server this week. Namely our first tests for Reverse Friendly Fire and the Lion Rework. We will also be testing on our next iteration of the Capitao Rework.

  • Reduced the ability warning from 3 to 1.5 seconds
  • Reduced the scanning duration from 4 to 2 seconds
  • Replaced the scan outline by a red ping debuff
  • Increased the number of charges from 2 to 3
  • Reduced the ability cooldown from 27 to 15 seconds
  • Vigil's ability ERC-7's cloak makes him immune to Lion's scan
We have condensed the overall duration of Lion's ability by reducing its two phases (the warning and the scanning). Now, instead of a total of 7 seconds, Lion's ability will last only 3.5 seconds, significantly reducing the exposure time and, therefore, the frustration caused by its long effect.

On the other hand, by changing the scan outline for a ping debuff (which works in a similar fashion as Alibi's detection), we are also reducing the usefulness of enemy detection. More specifically, it consists in pinging the position of the detected player up to 3 times with 1 second between pings. With this change, moving during a scan is now more of a viable option, giving defenders a means of to successfully counter-play Lion's detections.

To balance things, we have increased the number of uses to 3 and also reduced the ability cooldown.

  • Reducing damage per tick from 19 to 12
  • Size of the area of effect increased
  • The area takes 2 seconds to reach its maximum size
  • The arrow is affected by gravity after 10 meters
We have acted on the feedback collected from the previous Test Server with Capitao's Rework. With this feedback in mind, we have adjusted the amount of time it takes for the area of effect to spread, allowing players to relocate prior to taking damage.

After 10 meters, the trajectory of the arrow will begin to drop. We want to increase the amount of skill required to place his Asphyxiating Bolts, but also reduce the effectiveness of certain exploits that allowed Attackers to spawn kill Defenders.

We are planning to activate Reverse Friendly Fire on the Test Server. This is the latest feature we are working on in our efforts to address toxicity.

The goal of this system is to contain the impact of players abusing the friendly fire mechanic, while maintaining a degree of flexibility for accidents. We will collect data and feedback from both ranked and casual playlists on the Test Server, and iterate before releasing it live.

More information regarding Reverse Friendly Fire can be found here.

  • Hacked drones will sometimes lose signal on various maps. These need to be fixed on an individual basis, and we have not fixed every location as of this update.
  • Various additional bug fixes

  • Videos do not play on the TS build (this includes tutorial, situation, operator unlocks, etc.).
Epico :D

Magic is coming to Rainbow Six Siege, and it's no April Fools' joke. From April 1-8, Rainbow is Magic will introduce a new mode that tasks players with their most important mission yet: rescuing a teddy bear from evil captors on a magically reimagined version of the Plane map. The map isn't the only thing that's received a magical facelift: To tackle this adorably deadly mission, players can chose from 13 classic Operators reskinned as toy soldiers and plushies, including Recruit, Montagne, Blackbeard, Ash, Thermite, Thatcher, Sledge, Smoke, Castle, Kapkan, Bandit, Frost, and of course, Lord Tachanka.


Rainbow is Magic will also introduce 17 exclusive customization items, featuring plenty of toys, magical creatures, and an overabundance of cuteness that can be earned by completing Ubisoft Club challenges, or unlocked by purchasing Rainbow Is Magic Collection packs for 300 R6 credits. Logging in during the event will automatically net you one of the exclusive items. Additionally, the collection includes magic-inspired outfits and pieces of headgear for four Operators: Montagne, Tachanka, Blackbeard, and Smoke.

Rainbow Six Siege's Rainbow is Magic event kicks off today, so make sure to sign on to reap all the adorable benefits. For more on Rainbow Six Siege, check out our previous coverage.

Só é pena limitarem-se a aproveitar uma piada para encher mais um bocado os bolsos, e até nisso obrigam a quem aceita dar-lhes dinheiro a jogar com a sorte, porque nem deixam escolher o que querem comprar. Mas vá lá que ao menos oferecem 1 pack... :rolleyes:
obrigam a quem aceita dar-lhes dinheiro a jogar com a sorte, porque nem deixam escolher o que querem comprar.
x2 Acho impressionante a quantidade de jogos que ainda fazem isto, ainda por cima depois das inúmeras controvérsias nos últimos anos. Mas pronto, enquanto houver pessoas a comprar, isto não vai mudar. Acaba por ser por esta mesma razão que jogos como o Path of Exile e Warframe recebem boa publicidade e ficam bem vistos nos olhos de todos no que toca à sua monetização.

O evento em si parece estar engraçado, e sempre serve para quebrar a monotonia que se instala ao longo da temporada. Mas demoraram assim tanto tempo para fazer isto? Acho que me lembro de ter visto um leak disto no reddit há mais de um ano.
Custa-lhes tanto oferecer alguma coisa que obrigam um gajo a jogar o modo novo de April's Fools e destruir 40 drones atacantes só para receber mais um pack dos novos :facepalm: