Multiplataforma Rainbow Six Siege (Ubisoft Montreal)

@Nerusonu espera mais um ano e podes usar as skins que tinha na PS4 na Xbox.


Vem tarde, mas vem.

E a próxima season começa para a semana (terça-feira provavelmente).
A comunidade deste jogo continua uma das maiores maravilhas que ai ainda.. Começou a nova season e ja fiz 6 jogos, 3 dos quais perdi, e então a ultima derrota foi qualquer coisa, estamos na fase do ban e o gajo "hello, im going to kill and lose the game", e aconteceu isso, depois estava em pre made com mais 2 otários!! enfim

Jogar este soloq é um cancro horrivel mas pronto.

Btw começa hoje.

Por acaso nos últimos dias tenho jogado e tenho apanhado cada burro neste jogo, é TK, é sem jogar para o obejtivo, enfim.
Eu por vezes parece que ando perdido nos mapas porque mudaram imenso, mas se não reconhecer o mapa não invento e deixo-me estar perto da bomba.
The Y6S2.1 Patch will be released on June 29th on all platforms.


Below you will find the download sizes for each platform.

  • Ubisoft Connect: 1.35 GB
  • Steam: 1 GB
  • Xbox One: 2.85 GB
  • Xbox Series X: 3.04 GB
  • PS4: 1.45 GB
  • PS5: 1.18 GB



  • FIXED – Timers are set to old values in Quick Match and Newcomer playlists.
  • FIXED – Bulletproof camera uses old FOV.
  • FIXED – Players lose control of first-person view if they join a Custom Game while under an Abandon Penalty.
  • FIXED – Players who leave a Ranked or Unranked match might be unable to rejoin due to infinite loading.
  • FIXED – Battle Pass 'Sweeper' challenge can be completed by destroying friendly gadgets.
  • FIXED – Players who enter Support Mode while there are no available Observation Tools are not able to see the Operator model for the player they are viewing.
  • FIXED – Missing torso or head can be observed during death replay if Operator was eliminated with explosives.
  • FIXED – Timer for Post-Action Report is short by 10 seconds.
  • FIXED – Thunderbird is counted in the Battle Pass 'Work for Hire' challenge.
  • FIXED – Minor EOR Replay issues.
  • FIXED – A shield can be placed into a reinforced wall and used to pass through walls.


  • FIXED – Various defuser planting and retrieval issues in specific areas on Favela map.
  • FIXED – Multiple clipping, collision, lighting, and navigation issues on Favela map.
  • FIXED – Multiple LOS issues on Favela map.
  • FIXED – Multiple LOD issues on Favela map
  • FIXED – Various LOD, asset, and clipping issues on multiple maps.
  • FIXED – Various issues with Kapkan's Entry Denial Device on specific maps.
  • FIXED – Devices can be placed on a ceiling fan in 1F Customs Inspection on Border map.
  • FIXED – Oryx can't climb or grip the hatch in B Wine Cellar on Villa map.
  • FIXED – Defenders cannot reinforce 2 soft walls while standing on the reinforced hatch in 1F Public Bathroom on Consulate map.
  • FIXED – When a player destroys a barricade and vaults through it, the barricade does not replicate properly.


  • FIXED – Thunderbird is locked in-game but unlocked in the Operator album.
  • FIXED – Thunderbird's Kóna Station marker is visible to Attackers.
  • FIXED – Thunderbird's Kóna Station is inverted during deployment animation.
  • FIXED – Montagne's Le Roc Shield appears in front of him when he uses Observation Tools.
  • FIXED – Smoke's Remote Gas Grenade disappears from view when the observer is over 18 M away.
  • FIXED – Visual HUD for Jackal's Eyenox Model III is missing.
  • FIXED – Thunderbird's Kóna Station can generate debris or be destroyed during deployment or retrieval.
  • FIXED – If Warden walks over a hatch while a teammate is reinforcing, the reinforcement animation is cancelled.
  • FIXED – Lights on Ace's S.E.L.M.A. Aqua Breacher blink while device is in disabled state.
  • FIXED – When Doc's Stim Pistol heals a player affected by Lesion's GU, the GU is removed.
  • FIXED – IQ's device is automatically reequipped after placing a Breach Charge.
  • FIXED – When eliminated, Maestro can move the Evil Eye camera.
  • FIXED – Animation glitch occurs if IQ switches between primary and secondary weapons while Electronics Detector is equipped.


  • FIXED – Enabling RAW input affects mouse movement randomly.
  • FIXED – Host cannot kick another player in a Local Custom Game.
  • FIXED – Multiple text and voice chat issues.
  • FIXED – Multiple customization issues.
  • FIXED – Multiple UI, menu, and localization issues.
  • FIXED – Various VFX issues.
  • FIXED – Multiple Caster HUD issues in Spectator Mode.
  • FIXED – Abusive Chat report option is not displayed for teammates unless PC chat is set to All.
  • FIXED – Voice Abuse report option is missing for teammates who are not in the player's Squad.
  • FIXED – Infinite loading occurs after cinematic for Situation Cold Zero.
  • FIXED – Flash hider and compensator have old descriptions.
  • FIXED – Generic drone antennas are not fully black.
  • FIXED – There are no controls displayed in-game when using a PS5 controller on PC.
Ok os Devs fizeram um AMA no reddit, parece que o Y8 vai ser bom vamos la ver. Vou deixar em quote algumas respostas que gostei.

Q - Will we be getting a gun range and is that idea even being considered?
A -
This as been asked for a while now and even from people within the team. I am happy to say that we currently working on some prototype where the focus would be to learn & practice weapon recoil control. And also visualize the effet of different weapon attachments.

This although wouldnt be a primary place to warmup.

-Yann, Level Design Director

While we don’t have dates to share, we are actively working on a new Shooting Range that will allow players to test the Damage & Recoil from multiple distances and weapon setups. We really see the importance here to allow players to see the impact of weapon balancing more directly and concretely compare the changes from one update to another. We have a lot of plans for this feature and some ideas that are unique to Siege such as practicing Soft Wall destruction and testing the damage loss through different destructible materials.

We also feel that a Shooting Range is not enough Learning Tools for our players as there can be many so ways to learn the best way to use Operators, their gadgets, and the interactions between them. Our plan to continue supporting players with new Learning Tools for all types of Siege players.

Q - Will there ever be siege 2? And if not is the current engine capable of handling new updates?
A - Let’s talk about Siege 2 and even "Operation Health 2.0"!

First: Why did we do an Operation Health in the first place? At that time, we had significant technical debt - the architecture of Siege was limiting our capacity to ship new seasons while seamlessly updating our tech.

The investments that we made during Operation Health allowed us to parallelize these processes. And because of those investments, in the years following Operation Health we have been able to make huge technical and architectural changes behind the scenes, to allow for more advanced features and content. And if you never really saw it it’s because we were able to still maintain the release and the rhythm of new content every season.

So, it’s not because we continue to ship seasons that we are not working on updating the tech. As a matter of fact, this is one of the main reasons of the delay of some features.

Siege is an evolving game - the Siege of the future will be dramatically different from today's Siege, to the point where we could call it Siege 2. However, as a team, we strongly believe we can bring about these changes in an incremental way, within the current Siege framework.

Siege 2 would mean a new game, a new environment, probably a new inventory and maybe a new dev team. We do not feel that this is what is needed for the community. We care about your investment in the game, we do not want to move to a new one. Instead, we want to protect your investment and increase its value it by making your current “home” (which is SIEGE) even better. It’s like renovations to your old house to make it up to date, shiny and appealing.

-Leroy, Creative Director

Q - If we report a cheater ingame via the overlay, does an actual Human look into the report? If not how is it done?
A - Correct! When you report a cheater in-game, a human does see it.

We have a team dedicated to going through these reports and identifying cases that involve cheating. But, considering the high number of reports we receive each day, we have to prioritize which reports are reviewed immediately.

As you mentioned, reporting cheaters in-game where possible is the best bet. This makes is much easier to link a player to cheating behaviour and feeds directly into our anti-cheat system. What’s even better is that we’re already using these in-game reports as data to help train the Reputation System, so every legit in-game report helps to make that system even more reliable.

It's also worth noting that when we do take action, there's a feedback loop to make sure you know that the cheater's been dealt with. ~ Emmanuel, Player Behaviour Product Owner

Q - Season three of year six is kind of vague, “Map buffs/reworks”. What kind of maps will we see be changed, Casual, ranked and competitive maps?
A - For Y6S3, we're doing Buffs in 3 competitive maps : Clubhouse, Coastline and Bank. The 3 maps received a complete tech overhaul (transparent to players) and some gameplay changes (balancing, quality of life). The total amount of changes in those 3 maps are about equal to the amount of changes of a single rework. We wanted to be more surgical but tweak more maps. Clubhouse has the least change while Coastline and bank have the most.

-Yann, Level Design Director

Q - You guys teased us about customizable elites at the start of year 6, it’s about halfway through season 2, any updates on a release?
A - We're looking to release the first iteration of this feature next season where you'll be able to mix and match Elite customization with other type of customization. Within a season or two, we want to give you a way to switch the ability skin (between default and Elite) and more customization options. ~ Mo, Business Strategy and Live Performance Director

Se a malta quiser ler o resto da AMA (tem la boas perguntas e respostas) tem aqui o link.

Oh já agora, para a malta que tem Twitch Prime, tem lá um booster de 7 dias para oferta.


  • Ubisoft Connect: 1.48 GB
  • Steam: 850 MB
  • Xbox One: 1.28 GB
  • Xbox Series X: 1.61 GB
  • PS4: 1.77 GB
  • PS5: 1.43 GB



  • Added 2.0x scope to ACS12 (removed 1.5x scope).
  • Added 1.5x scope to MX4 Storm.


  • Removed 1.5x scope from C1.


  • Added Deployable Shield (removed Proximity Alarm).
  • Increased Shumikha Launcher grenades to 14 (from 10).
  • Improved DP-27 destruction:
    • 0 to 4.99m: 0.3 radius hole per shot.
    • 5 to 7.99m: 0.2 radius hole per shot.
    • Beyond 8m: 0.2 radius hole after three shots.


  • Modified M762 recoil so it's harder to control:
    • Increased vertical recoil.
    • Horizontal spread is stronger to the the left.
    • Long burst recoil starts on the 8th bullet (was 12th).



  • Increased damage to 69 (from 59).


  • Increased damage to 63 (from 57).



Included Favela map in Ranked and Unranked

  • Added the reworked Favela map to Ranked and Unranked playlists so players have more opportunities to play and test it.
Added feature to report players who left the game

  • In the Post-Action Report, Ranked and Unranked players can now block or report players who disconnected before the last EOR replay.



  • FIXED - Players can vault through barricades after a single melee hit.
  • FIXED - Operator Selection remains stuck on screen during gameplay.
  • UPDATED - Players can destroy a barricade with certain weapons, causing it to desync and become exploitable. There is an ongoing investigation into this issue to ensure it works as expected for players.
  • FIXED - Players can deploy a reinforcement or barricade while falling through a hatch.
  • FIXED - Players can select the same Operator as another player during a match.
  • UPDATED - Sometimes the Windows cursor remains stuck on screen, blocking camera movement. There is an ongoing investigation into this issue to ensure it works as expected for players.
  • FIXED - Some players above 4400 MMR are unable to Squad queue with other players, despite being within the accepted MMR range.
  • FIXED - Players lose camera control if they play a match while under an Abandon Penalty.


  • FIXED - Operators can fall out of bounds or clip through the wall to get inside the building after exiting rappel in the gap between vents at EXT Forklift Alley on Kanal map.
  • FIXED - Attackers have unfair LOS into 1F Main Hallway and 2F Landing after vaulting over a bush on Villa map.
  • FIXED - The destructible floor doesn't fully break when Sledge uses the Breaching Hammer on the metal support beams on Favela map.
  • FIXED - Two soft walls cannot be reinforced while Defenders are standing on a reinforced hatch in 1F Public Bathroom on Consulate map.
  • FIXED - Gap on top of barricaded doorway allows LOS into EXT Pedestrian Customs on Border Map.
  • FIXED - Several LOD issues on Villa map.
  • FIXED - Defuser can be dropped behind indestructible plant pots at EXT Terrace on Villa Map.
  • FIXED - Player movement dips while passing over the triangular gap between PC boxes in 2F Coin Farm on Favela Map.
  • FIXED - Deployable devices float when placed on wooden beams on Kafe Dostoyevsky map.


  • FIXED - Fuze starts a round with a default weapon loadout if the player doesn't swap between weapons during Operator Selection.
  • FIXED - Jackal stops rappelling for a moment if gadget is enabled or disabled.
  • FIXED - Lights on Ace's S.E.L.M.A. Aqua Breacher appear in an incorrect location.
  • FIXED - When Kali cancels a reload by switching weapons, the player is unable to ADS.
  • FIXED - When Buck cancels a Skeleton Key reload, the player is unable to ADS.
  • FIXED - Jackal's Eyenox Model III continues to ping Defenders after Jackal is eliminated.
  • FIXED - IQ's Electronics Detector automatically reequips after IQ places a Breach Charge.


  • FIXED - Multiple localization issues throughout the game.
  • FIXED - Deployment SFX is silent when a player deploys a Frag Grenade or C4, then crouches or goes prone at the same time.
  • FIXED - New HUD can be activated through a game console command.
  • FIXED - Popup for redeeming the Sunstark bundle crashes the game.
  • FIXED - Prompts may linger on screen over several rounds.
  • FIXED - The iron sight attachment for the ITA12S and SMG-12 floats in multiple menus.
  • FIXED - Players can create a hole in Castle's Armor Panel if they melee a spot near the frame on both sides.
  • FIXED - Rappel SFX is sometimes inaudible.
  • FIXED - Keyboard players who browse the Charms category in the shop experience navigation issues.
  • FIXED - UMP45 has the wrong weapon skin thumbnail for Six Major NA 2021.
  • FIXED - Booster icon is missing from the Booster activation confirmation side-panel.
  • FIXED - Battle Pass tab in Post-Action Report does not immediately update for players who complete the last tier of the Battle Pass.


  • FIXED - Incorrect Traditional Chinese character present in Thunderbird's Bio.
O novo evento já esta disponível (é divertido jogar a defender que temos bastante vida e ficamos um pouco mais rápido). Adicionaram também 2 novos desafios que dão 1 pack + 2 níveis para o BP.