Review da 9500pro

Todas 9500 que vi ate agora tem o mesmo pcb da 9700 porque basicamente sao a mesma placa com os controladores de memoria limitados a 128 bits e com o GPU com 4 pipelines. A ideia era meter a placa rapidamente no mercado.
As 9500 pro parece que demoraram mais tempo em relaçao as 9500 simplesmente porque foi desenhado um pcb mais simples (e mais barato espero) tendo em conta a memoria de 128 bits que iam usar.
Acho muito mais provavel as 9500 passarem para o pcb das 9500 pro que outra coisa qualquer,
Bom depois de ter lido essa review da digit-life até achei piada já andarem a fazer benchs do DOOM III.

Desde quando é que se viu uma GF3 Ti500 a ultrapassar uma GF4 Ti4200?

E uma GF3 Ti200 a ultrapassar uma ATI 8500? Devem estar a gozar o pessoal não?

Bom o overclock a essa placa é que foi lindo.
Última edição:
Bom realmente a procura é tanta que é impossível satisfazer a todos. :D

ATI RADEON 9500 PRO appeared to be a really perspective and powerful solution. Although there were very few reviews of the product so far and even less advertising, customers realised that for about $200 they get a true GeForce4 Ti4600 killer with DirectX 9.0 support. The demand by big personal computer vendors, including HP and Dell Computer, as well as retail clients and small system integrators has been so high that currently ATI cannot fulfil it.

In fact, there is no surprise that ATI cannot fulfil the orders now. The final design of the RADEON 9500 PRO was released only about a month or a bit more ago, as a result, the company simply was not able to produce enough graphics cards, furthermore, it seems that they had not ordered enough R300 VPUs that are utilised in all the RADEON 9500/9700 series of graphics cards. At the moment several partners indicated shortages of the R300 graphics chips.

Although there is a chance that ATI had made a strategic mistake and ordered less chips that the market demands, current R300 shortage also reflects the fact that there is some space for powerful and quality graphics cards on the market. Moreover, it means that ATI manages to successfully compete with NVIDIA, who is currently the leader of the graphics market in terms of share. ATI’s positions in the USA and Canada have always been strong and this year the company started loads of promotional campaigns for their European and Asian partners. All in all, it seems that finally ATI does not only defend its bases in the North America, but attacks.

Pena por exemplo que aquela campanha da ATI que é trocar a placa antiga por uma nova, ser apenas nos EUA e Canada...