[Review] Seven Versions Of WINE Benchmarked


Power Member
Para quem se questionava qual a melhor versão em termos de performance, os bacanos do Phoronix tiraram-nos as dúvidas :D

The WINE project is going on 15 years in existence, and two years ago, it finally went into beta. Through the beta stage, there has been a consistent release about every two weeks, which often brings a fair number of improvements to this software for running Windows programs on Linux (and other operating systems). Sparked by curiosity as to how the performance of WINE is affected release by release, we have gone through and benchmarked the past seven releases. While this only represents the past four months of work by the WINE community, the results may surprise you.

For this article we had went back and built from source the past seven WINE releases to date -- WINE 0.9.44, 0.9.45, 0.9.46, 0.9.47, 0.9.48 0.9.49, and 0.9.50. We were unable to go back any further due to graphics issues with the two benchmarks being used, Futuremark's 3DMark 2001 SE and 3DMark 2003. During this testing we had kept the same WINE configuration between releases and the same 3DMark settings. The test system used was an AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ AM2 processor, 2GB of DDR2-800 memory, and Abit NF-M2 nView motherboard. Ubuntu 7.10 (32-bit) was loaded on the system with the NVIDIA 169.04 beta driver.

O artigo e as sempre muy guapas imagens podem ser encontrados aqui.
continuam a levar cá uma coça vs windows XP SP2.

É normal, o wine "emula" (não me batam, pff) os programas de Windows, é toda uma camada entre o programa e o SO.
O facto de os programas sobre wine consumirem menos CPU que directamente sobre o windows é que diz muito sobre o SO da microsoft...
É normal, o wine "emula" (não me batam, pff) os programas de Windows, é toda uma camada entre o programa e o SO.
O facto de os programas sobre wine consumirem menos CPU que directamente sobre o windows é que diz muito sobre o SO da microsoft...

Pois. Basicamente se uma camada que não pode usufruir de todo a CPU e de toda a memória RAM tem melhores resultados que um sistema instalado na raiz só mostra a qualidade da gestão de recursos do Uindou$.