RIAA again....


Power Member
RIAA cocks up, sues 66 year old kindly granny

Apple pie? More like cream pie in its face

By Old Mother Chipton: quinta-feira 25 setembro 2003, 03:52

THE RIAA has egg on its face yet again after it decided to drop a lawsuit against a 66 year old grandmother who it accused of downloading 2000 songs.
Sarah Ward was one of the targets of a blizzard of legal actions against alleged file swappers. The RIAA thinks that a sum of $150,000 for a download of every song is the price such pirates should pay.

The RIAA decided to beat a hasty retreat on the case fearing that it would look like it was a really, really mean and vindictive organization, we suspect.

But reports said it reserves the right to go after Granny Sarah again, claiming all the IP numbers lead in her direction.

We look forward to the first case in which the RIAA decides to sue a six year old for sharing tens of thousands of songs such as “How much is that doggy in the window” by Snoop Doggy Dog [Who he? Ed.] and “Pop goes the Weasel” by Dweezil Zappa.

Public relations? The RIAA’s heard of it. µ


Nem ás Vovós eles têm merçy ... beraware.... ui que maus!

"Já estou a ver o resto do pessoal que vai a tribunal a usar este caso para provar que não podem ter 100% de certeza que eram eles."

O problema é que me parece que se eles desistiram da queixa, isto não chega a existir como caso juridico.

Mas uma barracada destas fica sempre bem em tribunal ... :)
Mesmo que desistam deste caso em particular, a credibilidade deles junto do juri levou um duro, duro golpe.

Prémio "Tiro no Pé Setembro 2003", sem dúvida...