Em breve vai-me ser enviado um Rocoo A para review. Este prometedor PMP vem equipado com um AMP de Classe A. Segundo alguns comentários já existentes, o som é ainda melhor que o Cowon. Será?! Em breve teremos mais uma resposta a esta pergunta, pois vou compará-los lado a lado. 
Comentários que encontrei na net do Rocco A:
"By the way. the sound quality of ROCOO is really incredible, it is so tiny, and so powerful. I can't believe it also has a built in class A amp!!"
"As newfier already said, the ROCOO sounds very, very good, and considering its price and size, it sounds incredible."
"This little player is a real gem, I prefer it to my D2 and to my original Clip too, there, I said it, let me say it again, I like the ROCOO more than the Clip. The ROCOO sounds cleaner, more powerful and has a much larger soundstage than both the others."
Caracteristicas do Rocoo A: http://www.hisound-uk.com/index.php/New-Rocoo-Players/Rocoo-A/flypage.tpl.html

Comentários que encontrei na net do Rocco A:
"By the way. the sound quality of ROCOO is really incredible, it is so tiny, and so powerful. I can't believe it also has a built in class A amp!!"
"As newfier already said, the ROCOO sounds very, very good, and considering its price and size, it sounds incredible."
"This little player is a real gem, I prefer it to my D2 and to my original Clip too, there, I said it, let me say it again, I like the ROCOO more than the Clip. The ROCOO sounds cleaner, more powerful and has a much larger soundstage than both the others."
Caracteristicas do Rocoo A: http://www.hisound-uk.com/index.php/New-Rocoo-Players/Rocoo-A/flypage.tpl.html
Specification: Rocoo A
Earphone amplifier grade: Grade A (class A) circuit design.
Amplifier type : Built-in individual earphone amplifier
Sound process: Built in Hisound audio processing module.
Power-Handling: 100mW peak / 30mW rated (earphone)
Proprietary Pover saving technology: EMATechonology (Energy Management and Admeasurement Technology)
Battery capacity: 200Ma rechargeable Li-ion battery
Battery continually playing time: > 10hours ( volume set at 8 degree)
Battery type: detachable switch connection, Li-iron rechargeable
Memory capacity: 4 G+expanding SD card slot.
Card Compatibility: Mini SD, Micro SD, SDHC,Mini TFT,
Maximum compatible capacity of the Memory cards: 16G.
Compatible formats:MP3, WMA,WAV,FLAC
Audio-in port for external sound sources.
Parts grade: hand pick high end special audio parts
Screen:Single-color OLED display screen
Color available: Brushed Silver and Black
UI Operation: Mechanical key button operation ( one-hand and blind operation capability)
USB type: mini USB 2.0
E os auriculares fornecidos parecem ser bastante acima da média, o que é uma mais valia (e são 2 pares). Vamos aguardar.
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