(Rumor) Dismal PS3 Launch Forces Sony to Discard Blu Ray

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Bio Shadow

GadgetNutz's storybreaking reporter, The Bandito, has uncovered a developing story concerning Sony via his network of industry insiders around the Sony camp.

On the heels of various industry reports of the lackluster sales of Sony's new Playstation 3 console up to, during, and beyond the Christmas season, it's no wonder that Sony feels internal pressure to alter it's course to more profitable waters. Obviously, the number one deficit of the new electronic entertainment device is the sheer number of newly introduced technologies, each with it's own seemingly continuous chain of production pitfalls. This same collection of newly deployed technologies directly impacts the pricing, further straining the retail sales of the Playstation 3. Considering that HDDVD technology is moving towards a broader market of consumers, Blu Ray is taking a considerable hit regardless of the Playstation branding.

One doesn't have to pay close attention, or even take a second glance, to see that Sony, as a large corporation, has dropped the ball in it's own court. It has been reported time and time again that Sony has been facing financial difficulties, having to lay off workers, close plants, and refocus parts of their business. What only a few expected, Playstation 3 sales failed to match even the reduced supply during this holiday season. The affect of this has rippled through the major electronics retailers, creating a need to ship stock from store to store, and further impacting what profit margins retailers expected to see from the launch of a major new platform. The slick new Nintendo Wii and the powerhouse Microsoft XBox 360 managed to dominate the market, taking full advantage of the price differential, supply problems, and even the imagination of the consumer market. The season, in reality, isn't even over, and there is already a new captain at the helm, an almost unprecedented event indicating changes to come.

At a cost of over two hundred dollars per drive, the Blu Ray is the force behind the massive cost of the Sony Playstation 3. It is speculated that Sony is bleeding some three hundred bucks per unit, and continues the wild trend of manufacturers losing cash on the console in expectations to get their money back on the software. However, with a scant dozen titles or so, Sony holds little hope of a quick turn around in their fortunes. From it's core, the powerful Cell processor,with it's poor production yields, has added pitfalls to it's on rollout that is compounded by the difficulty in mass producing the Blu Ray in the Playstation 3. The tremendous cost of product, let alone support and delivery costs, may have been a factor in the recent executive level staff changes, but that change (of executives) has pushed the importance of other changes up the ladder of importance.

Sony is rumored to be making drastic changes to recapture the market before losing even more of it's command share to the likes of Nintendo (the success story of the holiday season) or the XBox 360 (still suffering in the land of the rising sun, but gaining momentum everywhere else). In a move that one source says is "aimed at family pricing," Sony is rumored to be working on a Playstation 3 that does not include the Blu Ray drive. Whether this will result in the current low-end model having a change, or a newer "entry level" Playstation 3, remains to be seen. However, this is in stark contrast to their previous, egocentric, statements regarding "what kind of consumer"* will be looking at the Playstation 3.

To further fuel the fire, Toshiba has been reported to be getting ready to announce at CES (The Consumer Electronics Show) a new HDDVD player in the sub-two hundred dollar range. If these reports hold to be true, Sony's Blu Ray hopes may be dashed in even more markets than just that of the video-game arena. The steep pricing of Blu Ray players already make the Playstation 3 the entry level model, and Toshiba may have just put the nail in the coffin of this format. This holiday season was Sony's chance to leap ahead of the HDDVD format, establishing Blu Ray in the consumer market.

Supply problems alone would have likely created problems with Sony's hopes about Blu Ray, but with lackluster sales it is nearly a forgone conclusion. This puts Sony in a terrible position of not only trying to turn their ship around, but if they aren't careful--it could very well sink. A Playstation 3 without Blu Ray technology may save the Playstation from the fate previously seen by Sega's Saturn, but it will be the death nail in the Blu Ray coffin.
A palavra chave é rumor, não se esqueçam.
que as coisas não andam famosas, toda a gente sabe..

mas PS3 sem blu-ray ?? e os games vêm onde ??lol..

Sem Cell nem RSX ? impossível..

vão cortar onde ???

HDMI ?, rj45 ?, disco ??, ? sempre tirar fora a ps2 e a ps1 que tão lá dentro ???

só isto já devia reduzir uns 140 dólares ao preço da consola
Isto era um daqueles rumores que ate podiam levar mta genet a acreditar se o tivessem inventado anets da consola sair.

Mas a consola já saiu, e por isso vai ficar igual como está. Não sei se reparam nesse pequeno factor. Até porque jogos em Blu-Ray já estão ai fora.
Os rumores têm bastante lógica. Se é verdade que a Sony perde $300 por cada consola vendida têm de vender bastante mais de 6 jogos por consola vendida para terem lucro. Se não têm consolas para vender, e não há gente a comprar mais de 2 jogos... não sei como está a crise nos EUA, nem se sairam muitos jogos que garantam boas vendas. Mas não estou a ver assim tanta gente a comprar uma consola muito cara e mais de 6 jogos (eu gostava de poder!). E a agravar isso ainda há esse suposto leitor de DVDHD a menos de $200, que a ser verdade provavelmente garante já que o DVDHD ganha a batalha de media de alta definição.
Mas também se trocarem a drive bluray por uma de DVD vai haver muita gente a ficar chateada e talvez compre a xbox360 com DVDHD. Mas isso já não depende da sony directamente.
E há também os custos publicitarios que não ajudam a que haja lucro! Jogos de futebol, Emmys, anuncios caros... a este ritmo a Sony na melhor das hipoteses terá lucro daqui a 3 anos, e o mercado é feroz. Apenas a microsoft se pode dar ao luxo de fazer consolas sem lucro.
Acho que isto não faz sentido nenhum

A PS3 está no mercado com Blu Ray, jogos Blu Ray estão lançados

Agora é vencer ou morrer a tentar
Acho que isto não faz sentido nenhum

A PS3 está no mercado com Blu Ray, jogos Blu Ray estão lançados

Agora é vencer ou morrer a tentar
A tua empresa está a ter prejuizos incriveis e aficar rápidamente para tras e ficas a ver o bloomberg com esperança de que tudo vai melhorar sem mexeres o cu?
Toda a gente sabe qual é o modelo de negócio das consolas. É natural estar a perder dinheiro nesta altura. Daqui a um ano é que não é natural.

Além disso mudar o rumo pré estabelecido baseado na "visão" da empresa é extremamente incomum para uma empresa japonesa seja em que situação for.

O que há aqui para mexer o cu é afinar o sistema online, o dashboard da PS3, ajudar os developers a encher o mercado de bons títulos, chatear os estúdios para despejar filmes Blu-Ray, aliciar exclusivos da concorrência....etc
Então convenhamos que os 10.4 milhões anunciados pela MS também são passíveis de estar na mesma situação, não achas ? :rolleyes:

Eles dizem que sao sold:

The recent CES revealed to us a lot of information of or relating to Microsoft as a whole. And as some of us would slice-and-dice Bill Gates' keynote address for all the minor details, here's a bulleted list of his speech, as seen in numbers:

* 10.4 million: number of Xbox 360 consoles sold worldwide so far
Que tal matarmos este rumor pela raiz e não deixar a thread ir po caminho usual PS3 vs X360?

Uma PS3 que não leia Blue Ray é coisa que acho que nunca iremos ver... é impossível a Sony voltar atrás com a escolha de media. :wvsore:

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