Rumores e Especulação - Tópico Geral

O que as pessoas têm é dificuldade em interpretar texto. Mesmo que o rumor seja verdade, não percebo como retiram a informação que deixariam de vender consolas, quando falam em Marketing. Jeez.
O que as pessoas têm é dificuldade em interpretar texto. Mesmo que o rumor seja verdade, não percebo como retiram a informação que deixariam de vender consolas, quando falam em Marketing. Jeez.

Teoricamente vai dar ao mesmo, se deixas de promover um produto tens mais dificuldades em vendê-lo.
Microsoft and Activision have formed a new team within Blizzard to work on smaller 'AA' games based on existing IP
  • Over the past few weeks, many King employees had switched their LinkedIn profiles from King to Blizzard.
  • We can reveal that Microsoft and Activision have formed a new smaller team within Blizzard comprised of King and various other employees to work on "AA" games, based on existing Blizzard franchises like Overwatch, Warcraft, StarCraft, and beyond.
  • Microsoft is keen to leverage its huge back catalog of franchises it acquired with its Activision-Blizzard purchase of previous years.

Sentiment Around Bungie’s Marathon ‘Not Great,’ Says Jason Schreier​


bungie marathon extraction shooter

Image: Bungie

Bloomberg’s Jason Schreier shares a troubling outlook on Bungie’s Marathon, describing the the studio sentiment as “not great.” Amid recent layoffs and project cancellations, concerns are growing about the game’s future.

The future of Bungie’s highly anticipated extraction shooter, Marathon, is looking uncertain, according to Bloomberg’s Jason Schreier.

During the latest episode of Friends Per Second podcast, Schreier, who has broke major stories about Bungie in the past, didn’t mince words when asked about the state of Marathon.

Bungie's Marathon Could Feature Third-Person Combat, Similar to Destiny 2's Dynamic Gameplay
Image: Bungie

“Not great, from what I’ve heard,” Schreier said when asked about the sentiment around Marathon. “There’s a reason it was planned for this year and slipped a whole year.”

“People that I’ve talked to are a little pessimistic about it even hitting its current planned deadline, but we’ll see. I don’t know exactly when that is, sometime in 2025, I’m not sure.

“Yeah, the sentiment I’ve heard is not great at least as of a few months ago.”

Just last week, the Destiny 2 developer announced a staggering 17% reduction in its workforce, amounting to around 220 job cuts. This drastic move was accompanied by news that Bungie had shelved a Destiny spinoff project codenamed Payback. Notably, the spinoff was led by veterans Luke Smith and Mark Noseworthy, who have also exited the studio.
Adding to the uncertainty, Schreier also revealed that Marathon underwent a significant leadership shakeup in April 2024, with former director Christopher Barrett and the game’s Executive Producer both leaving Bungie.

Marathon's Art Style Is Inspired By Mirror's Edge, Ghost in the Shell, says Art Director
Image: Bungie

Following a report from IGN, it has been officially confirmed that Joe Ziegler, the former game director of Valorant, has taken the helm as the new game director for Marathon.

Under Ziegler’s leadership, the creative direction of the game has reportedly shifted, moving away from custom player characters toward a more defined, selectable cast of heroes.

Bungie has not yet revealed any new details about Marathon apart from the initial reveal in 2023. With so many unknowns and internal challenges, fans of Bungie and Marathon might need to temper their expectations for now.

É esperar e (não) ver.
Port para a empresa rival de um dos maiores selling points da consola deles, é mesmo sem comentários Lol.

Já imagino a próxima geração continuar a vender ainda menos consolas e eles a questionarem-se do porquê.
Já nem digo nada.
Matava já o Test Drive na PS5, única plataforma onde o jogo pode vender alguma coisa dado que não há nada ao nível do FH5 nem perto.
Isto depois da SONY nem se dignar de lançar o LEGO Horizon na Xbox :Joker:

É triste ver o bully a receber tudo (na perspectiva de ser quem mais abusa em exclusividades 3rd Party - na dimensão da duração dessas exclusividades e do peso dos IPs - referir isto antes que me venham relembrar que todos o fazem), mas é o que é.

Culpa também da MS que é muito mansinha. Podemos andar aqui em negação mas tudo isto é um Copy Paste do que se passou com o WP:

- Comprar Apps/Empresas;
- Lançar as suas Apps nas plataformas concorrentes;
- Plataformas concorrentes não fazerem o mesmo;
- Postura com a concorrência muito mais mansa que o contrário;
- Comunicação dúbia;
- Permitir que rumores e profecias da desgraça se espalhem e depois andar ao ritmo das mesmas;

Etc …

Por princípio até gostaria desta estratégia de partilha, mas havendo só cedências de um dos lados (e ainda por cima o lado mais fraco) só terá um desfecho.