Sega to buy Infogrames


Power Member
According to the The Wall Street Journal, Sega is going to buy Infogrames. Infogrames has took over many licenses, including the Grand Prix series, during the past years and therefore Sega wants to do an acquisition. However, Infogrames hasn't yet comments the news.

If the acquisition is going to happen, it's bad news for the Grand Prix series. Changing the publisher requires lots of additional effort to make things work smoothly. When Infogrames bought Hasbro 1.5 years ago, it was a step backwards when the new company wasn't such excited about their products. For example, it took three months the GP3 2000 add-on to arrive to the shops when it was finished.

It could also effect to the Xbox version release date (currently 6th September) and possibly cancel the rumoured season GP4 season 2002 add-on.

Anyway, not a big news that the GP-team is currently making a patch for GP4 to fix the number of bugs in the game. The patch will mainly fix problems such as crashes to desktop and 'black screen'. It'll also contain fixes for Windows XP related problems and numerous pitstop bugs. If it's going to include any improvements/fixes to the graphics engine, we'll just have to wait and see.
A Infogrames é uma excelente aposta... quem tem acompanhado esta equipa sabe que passaram de desconhecidos a uma das maiores da Europa.

O artigo decepciona-me porque começa logo a dizer que a série GP vai ser afectada... A Sega pode ser muita coisa mas acabar com um franchise tão importante e lucrativo... please :rolleyes:

Atrasar alguns lançamentos isso sim pode acontecer.