Sexy Video Shows Off GeForceFX Power


Zwame Advisor
Although not as obviously pornographic as BMX XXX, nVidia's rendering of a scantily clad pixie left little to the imagination. Filmy, almost sheer leaves cover the wood sprite's private parts -- and seem to be added as an afterthought. The rendering, created by one of the Final Fantasy designers, is both beautiful and slightly unsettling.

According to an nVidia representative, a version of this demo does exist with the leaves removed. "We're bringing porno to graphics", chortled the exec, who wished to remain nameless.

We'll try as hard as we can to uncover the X-rated version of this demo, but for now you'll just have to imagine what she'll look like when the leaves fall from the trees -- as it were.

Download versão original MPEG (bigger)

Download versão original - Media Player (smaller)

De facto ainda não tinha reparado mas vendo apenas o "esqueleto" da boneca nota-se que a vestimenta foi adicionada por cima do modelo original... :D

Se alguéma arranjar a versão "Meco" faça favor de avisar... isso sim seria bom marketing :D