Part of that is refining what it means to be “Undead” Labs – you may have spotted a new logo at the start of the trailer, signifying an evolution for the studio. On the surface, it is an easy answer: Rise from the dead; a zombie. Unkillable. Easily fitting within the motif of what the studio has become known for. But when you look deeper you find that “Undead” means there is no end; no limit for what they can achieve, which
feeds into their core philosophy: “We brave the darkness to find the power of our light.”
Acquired by Microsoft in 2018, Undead Labs has had quite the evolution over the years, from being an independent studio working with Xbox as a publishing partner for the first two State of Decay games, to becoming one of the Xbox Game Studios with full support and resources that were not at their disposal before. This access can catapult development to help them achieve their dream of creating the State of Decay they always wanted to make — the new trailer is a perfect proof of concept for that point.
“I don’t think we could achieve State of Decay 3’s vision if we weren’t part of Microsoft,” says Creative Director Kevin Patzelt. “I think if had we stayed independent, there’s just no way we could have had the time and the space and the support that we needed to be where we are today and to put out what we know we can make. It’s a different pressure. It’s not like that anymore. And I feel like as a team, at least in my career, I’ve never felt so supported to make what we know we want to make.”
Something that has always worked well for State of Decay is its open world, effectively allowing you to create any narrative for your party that you’d like to come up with. But, building on the originals,
State of Decay 3 will feature a much larger, truly shared open world, allowing Undead Labs to bring emotional weight into that aspect of the game, with more context in
how they want to be telling stories.
“The first thing that I hope people pick up [from the trailer] is that there’s four player characters we’re highlighting — three of them start in different places in the world — so we’re implying this idea of a shared world experience, not just a ride-along, and that the boundaries in which you can go off independently are going to be much, much greater than they were in
State of Decay 2,” explains Holt.
Undead Labs has been collaborating with Obsidian Entertainment on the shared world feature, enabling more flexible online co-op. The acclaimed Grounded released with Undead Labs’ shared save technology and State of Decay 3 will build on that to deliver a truly open co-op world owned by multiple players.
The trailer is a true reflection of what we’ll play, too: “It’s all in-game assets, all rendered from the game, and it’s a depiction of a typical scene that you would encounter in a four-player co-op session. We wanted to give you a representative feel of what the game would be like, but also tell a story,” says Holt.
Part of that emotion will come through in the game’s iconic permadeath feature, which is teased at the end of the trailer, as the camera focuses on a wall of remembrance that continues to grow and grow. It gives us an indicator that this group of survivors has seen significant loss over the years (and will continue to). It’s a series staple and one the team is looking to make more impactful than ever before for the new game.
“I think it’s important for not just the player to have that remembrance, but the characters in the world as well,” explains Patzelt. “So, our narrative systems are really going to be there to help support those biggest ones. Because there’s nothing bigger than losing a community member, especially if there’s someone that you invested a lot of time and energy into. I think we need to do a better job of showing that sacrifice is meaningful and how it might impact the community.”
Bringing this larger co-op ethos to life,
Undead Labs has also tapped into expertise from Gears of War developer The Coalition to help harness the power of Unreal Engine 5 (which is what you see running in the trailer) and have been working with co-development partners at Blind Squirrel Entertainment and Wushu Studios, who bring additional expertise to the team. It ties into another of the game’s core philosophies: You’re stronger when working together.
This also feeds into the higher degree of fidelity the team is aiming for, as can be seen in the trailer. In particular, the next-gen tech being used will allow for much more reactive combat, and dismemberment of zombies will be much more visceral, with enemies reacting more realistically to hits they’re taking.
“We’re heavily emphasizing engaging co-op combat, taking a close look at our level design and approach to how we’re building the world to ensure that players can have a blast smashing and shooting zombies together out in the open world,” details Patzelt. “To support that effort, combat needs to be downright fun. We’re looking at deepening our combat systems, our designs for enemy behaviors, and our animation fidelity to level up the moment-to-moment experience across the board
While the trailer showcases a much more evolved, darker, and much more dangerous world for players to survive in, the element of fun (and entertainment) still needs to find a place to live in this world full of the undead. Now with
State of Decay 3, the overall quality is going to be turned up several notches to help it stand out even more from its predecessors.
“We are pushing the visual quality and fidelity, but also the depth and thought we are putting into the designs,” explains Studio Art Director Wayne Laybourn. “Our players think a lot about the situations and scenarios they might find themselves in so it’s crucial what we make is believable and grounded while remaining entertaining and delivering on the fantasy and heart of the State of Decay zombie apocalypse. So, when [the zombie] gets hit by the car, it’s still as entertaining as ever but it also feels brutal and visceral with just the right amount of lumpy blood dancing through the air.”
The feeling of ever-present danger really starts to come through in the trailer when the group comes together, rallying around a survivor who has radioed for help. As zombies begin to swarm around them, an enemy with exposed, molten lungs known as a Screamer appears and is blown apart by a survivor – before he himself is consumed by the massive horde of undead. When hope seems nearly lost, a heavily modified car we’re introduced to earlier in the trailer comes barreling through to save the day, albeit temporarily.
“One of the things that we talk about a lot in the franchise is that ‘state of decay’ is the thing that happens when you run out of gas. Or when you run out of ammo. When things go badly is when you must improvise,” explains Holt. “And so, we tried to pick something that felt like one of those moments. Somebody is in trouble. They call their friends. We need help and everybody converges on that [location] to protect that person — and then somebody dies.” It’s a true reflection of the kind of situation
State of Decay 3 will put you in frequently – filling the story of your specific game with meaningful tales.
As the trailer also indicates, it’s clear some time has passed since the last game. Zombies appear more decayed, with darkened and shriveled skin sucked close to their bones, and the advancement of the infestation is much more progressed, extending its brain-like pink tendrils across buildings and bridges. Every element of this world looks much more grandiose when powered by Unreal Engine 5.