Artigo SystemInfoSnapshot


Power Member

Venho por este meio apresentar uma aplicação que desenvolvi open-source para pessoas do IT ou para utilizadores que precisem de uma ajuda a detectar problemas no computador.
É sabido que a maior das vezes as pessoas nos dizem: “Quando fiz isto, aconteceu aquilo” ou “às vezes aparece isto” e nesses momentos é difícil para nós dar uma resposta ou ver por remote o que se passou. Desse modo e a pensar nesses casos desenvolvi uma aplicação que reúne muita informação sobre a máquina num determinado momento quando executada. Um simples executável leve e prático que gera um relatório em HTML pronto para enviar ou dar a alguém que o possa entender.

Deixo-vos o url do site:
A aplicação está ainda na primeira versão mas tenho planos tais como sublinhar processos e serviços maus/prejudiciais automaticamente baseados numa base de dados de mallware.
Desde já agradeço a disponibilidade e estejam à vontade para dar ideias ou experimentar.

Tiago Conceição
New Version: v1.3.0.0

* Added a new dashboard with information about the reports
* Added a new section with controls to navigate between items and display them
* Added the items with warning and danger classes can now be easily browsed and followed with the navigation controls in order to quickly find the problems
* Added comments on javascript code
* Fixed Html navbar overlaps to content on small resolutions
* Changed some javascript code to improve page performance
* Updated bootstrap version from 3.3.2 to 3.3.4
New Version v1.5.0.0

* Added a disk manager holding all devices informations such as SMART
* Added more information to disks under Hadware > HDDs including SMART, problems will be reported too
* Added the program version to the GUI title
* Added a search box to every table to be able to filter the results
* Added DataTable js script and style
* Added floatThead js script
* Changed the html tables code to use DataTables that gives much more customization features
* Changed the background color to lightgrey of the tables head
* Changed the tables head to be fixed and always show on scroll while a table is visible
* Changed the tables are now wrapped inside a '<div class="responsive"></div>'
* Improved tables sort are now more realible
* Fixed the tables big font-size aren't the default from theme
* Moved Malware folder into Core
* Moved Libraries into Resources
* Removed table-responsive class from tables (wrong usage)
New Version:

* Added a new section on page under the dashboard with 'Actions and page options'
* Updated autorunsc.exe from v13.2 to v13.3
* Changed tables will not make use of extra features from datatables by default because huge tables can freeze the page from loading if not loaded locally. Still local html report file will init tables with datatables plugin if there are less than 4000 rows on page or 1000 if online.
* Changed the networks default sort. They are now sorted by status
* Changed the processes default sort. They are now sorted by memory DESC
* Changed the services default sort. They are now sorted by status and name ASC
* Changed the autoruns default sort. They are now sorted by enabled and name ASC
* Moved some code classes into Core