Xbox The Chronicles of Riddick Hands-on


Zwame Advisor


Vejam os vídeos... os gfx parecem tar :eek: :eek:
Gostava de ver se eles simulam o modo de "visao nocturna" dele?

Era msm mto fixe! devia de fikar tipo o modo alternativo dos Aliens em AVP2

The last time I got to see Escape from Butcher Bay I came away feeling as though I'd just seen what could potentially be a better-than-DOOM 3 game for the Xbox. A couple of months on, I'm even more convinced that I'm right.

Again, if you have read my initial preview, you'll know that I'm not the most technical gamer in the world, but the things that Starbreeze has managed to crank out of the Xbox puts nearly all high-end PC first-person shooters to shame. Using such sexy techniques as normal mapping, a high degree of environmental detail, special effects, and incredibly cool-looking character models is achievable resulting in jaw-dropping results.