Windows 10 - Tópico Geral

As Charm Bars deixaram de ter utilidade no update em que adicionaram uma área para encerrar/reiniciar/terminar sessão no MetroUI. Nunca as utilizei para mais nada.
Eu não estou dentro do assunto, mas espero que o MetroUI não desapareça, muita gente não gosta e não percebo o porque, mas isto é uma maravilha, tudo fica muito mais organizado

MetroUI <3


Podem é despachar este menu de "todas" as aplicações e mudar por algo parecido ao velho Start Menu, mas para mim pouca diferença faz, raramente usava o StartMenu tambem, apenas para Pesquisa e abrir o "Meu Computador" e tudo o resto que agora faço apenas com um Clique Direito no Canto Inferior Esquerdo
EquinoxPT, não podes pensar "não uso, logo deve ir fora". As charms dão acesso a funcionalidade globais de uma forma única, o botão de procura unificado (nunca tens que descobrir onde é que aquela aplicação em particular decidiu enfiar a procura), o botão de partilha unificado (este é um mimo, pena não funcionar para apps desktop), monitores e impressoras para além do resto (brilho, volume, configs), sempre acessível em QUALQUER contexto do SO. Se mudarem o formato mas manterem a acessibilidade e não cortarem nas features, que inventem!
Um fanático de futebol, também é consistente, mesmo quando a realidade se opõe (essa coisa chata, de realidade pá!).
Que realidade? A Microsoft está, muito devagarinho, a resolver as falhas detectadas nas Previews do W8.
Com alguma sorte, e com recurso ao StartMenu e Taskbar, não serão necessárias para quem se mantenha no Desktop e em programas tradicionais.
Pelo menos usando o Modern Mix, as charms ficam completamente fora de contexto, ...
ModernMix, e os vários StartMenus alternativos, têm sempre a desvantagem de não serem nativos.


Windows Threshold preview said to be on track for fall release

Microsoft is pushing aggressively ahead of Windows Threshold as it knows that to get consumers to upgrade from Windows 7 or even XP, it needs to bring back the Start menu. While most of you who have jumped to Windows 8 have easily adapted to the new setup, consumers (and the enterprise) in the wider market have spoken and they want the Start menu back before they think about upgrading.

We expect that Windows Threshold will be a popular release for Microsoft as it seems that many consumers have decided to skip over Windows 8; 75% of all desktop OS users still run Windows 7 or XP. Knowing that, Microsoft will have to hit a home-run with Windows Threshold if they want to keep control of the desktop market.
Pessoalmente, acho que opção de procura na charm bar bastante útil. Idem para a opção das definições. Não é propriamente a coisa mais prática do mundo, mas não penso que seja assim tão má.
...o botão de procura unificado (nunca tens que descobrir onde é que aquela aplicação em particular decidiu enfiar a procura)...
No Windows 8.1 esta funcionalidade foi retirada.

Mas já no Windows Phone foi a mesma coisa, a Microsoft tentou que houvesse um botão de pesquisa unificado (e esse, ao contrário do Windows, até estava constantemente à mostra (é a lupa que existe em todos os WPs)), mas a maior parte das pessoas não percebia onde é que se pesquisava dentro de uma app, então no WP7.5 eles mudaram, cada app passou a decidir como é que era a procura e a lupa passou a levar para a pesquisa no Bing.
No Windows 8.1 esta funcionalidade foi retirada.

Não, não foi. Agora muitas aplicações dispensam o botão de procura mas no geral ele continua a funcionar, muitas apps têm uma lupa cuja única coisa que faz é fazer a barra charm saltar para fora já com a procura iniciada, que me parece ser o melhor meio termo, precisamento pelo que descreves que as pessoas não percebiam onde estava a procura.
Tive a ver e apps que ainda não tenham sido atualizadas isso ainda acontece, mas praticamente todas as da Microsoft que eu testei (Loja, Skype, Correio, Música) isso já não funciona.
Eu uso W8.1 no desktop e a Charms é-me bastante útil por causa da função "Dispositivos", que uso muitas vezes. O acesso rápido às definições também não magoa. Mas sendo algo que está escondido, a menos que apareça uma alternativa melhor, por mim ficava...
Windows Threshold: Cortana makes a step forward


Over the past few weeks, Neowin has been slowly uncovering Windows Threshold with tidbits about its distinctive new interface, virtual desktops, Charms bar overhaul and now we are learning a little bit more about Cortana.

Previously, we had mentioned that Cortana was up and running inside of Windows Threshold, and that was true, but the good news here is that Cortana has ‘graduated’, if you want to call it that, from engineering builds to a more stable release cycle. What this means is that Cortana is no longer in the phase where it is ‘let us see if this works’ to a ‘let us push this forward and see if we can ship it’ stage. While it is still early in development, Cortana’s performance on the desktop is improving and looks to be targeted for inclusion of the final release. Obviously at this point, it could still be cut, but the first big hurdle has been overcome.

But how does Cortana work? As of right now, Cortana is an app; it’s a simple app that opens up the personal digital assistant where you can then either type in your question or ask verbally inside a smallish window. It's not a full screen experience like you see on Windows Phone.

The app itself currently looks similar to that of Windows Phone, but takes up roughly 25% of your display with Cortana being in the center; Cortana maintains her circle shape and is animated too.

Cortana is expected to integrate into the OS as well, much like she does on Windows Phone, but at this time the deep integration into Windows Threshold is slim but there are plenty of time for improvements.

The cool thing about Cortana is that since Microsoft is updating her functionality so frequently, those features are also included in the desktop version as well. Microsoft has already said that Cortana will be updated at least twice a month which means that by the time Threshold launches, Cortana will be significantly more robust than today.

In other Threshold news, builds are becoming more stable as well, certainly not release or even ‘preview’ caliber, but they are making solid progress. Considering how quickly builds are being pumped out and the progress that is being made, a ‘preview’ release later this year certainly seems plausible.
Windows 9 preview expected next month

Microsoft is expected to deliver an early preview version of Windows Threshold next month, the codename for what will likely be named Windows 9. The software maker has been gradually working on the release over the past several months, adding and tweaking features ready for a "technology preview" release to the public. Microsoft has been sharing early builds of Threshold to close OEMs and partners, and ZDNet reports that a public preview is expected next month or early October.

The Windows 9 preview will be similar to how Microsoft first let developers test Windows 8, with features not fully complete or missing. ZDNet claims updates will be pushed to users who install the preview on an automatic basis, meaning the release will change rapidly over the coming months before it's finally ready. Existing internal versions of Threshold include a new mini Start Menu, "Metro-style" apps that float in separate windows on the desktop, a virtual desktops feature, the removal of the Charms bar feature, and an early version of Cortana. Microsoft is also making several UI changes to Windows 9, including some tweaks on the desktop to improve upon Windows 8.
vamos lá ver o que sai daqui , por acaso estou curiosa principalmente para ver a nova versão do startup meno. não é algo que no W8 me faça falta , já me desabituei a ele mas mesmo assim ...
Se sair em meados/finais de 2015, fica cumprido o ciclo de vida de 2 anos que a Microsoft quer para o Windows. 2/3 anos parece-me um ciclo de vida bastante razoável para um sistema operativo. A anormalidade que foi o intervalo entre o XP e o Vista não se vai repetir novamente.
Marquem na vossa agenda, dia 30 de setembro:

Microsoft set to unveil Windows 9 on September 30th

Microsoft is planning to unveil its Windows 8 successor next month at a special press event. Sources familiar with Microsoft’s plans tell The Verge that the software maker is tentatively planning its press event for September 30th to detail upcoming changes to Windows as part of a release codenamed "Threshold." This date may change, but the Threshold version of Windows is currently in development and Microsoft plans to release a preview version of what will likely be named Windows 9 to developers on September 30th or shortly afterwards. The date follows recent reports from ZDNet that suggested Microsoft is planning to release a preview version of Windows 9 in late September or early October.

The early technology preview will give developers a first look at the new mini Start Menu in Windows 9, alongside the removal of the Charms bar feature and several UI changes. Microsoft is currently compiling builds of Threshold ready for the preview that include an early version of Cortana, but it’s not clear if this particular feature will be made available as part of the technology preview.

While Threshold is likely to be named Windows 9, it’s unlikely that Microsoft will name its upcoming Windows release at its press event. Instead, Microsoft is said to be planning an overview of key new features of the upcoming operating system, with a technical preview ready for developers and enthusiasts. Microsoft is also building a separate combined version of Windows RT and Windows Phone, and the company may take the time to detail this work during its press event. Either way, Microsoft’s next version of Windows is nearing completion and the company will be ready to talk more about it next month.