PC/Mac/Linux Torment: Tides of Numenera (InXile Ent.)


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Planescape: Torment Spiritual Successor in Development at inXile

Torment: Tides of Numenera™ continues the thematic legacy of the critically acclaimed Planescape: Torment™. Set in Monte Cook's new tabletop role-playing world, Numenera™, the newest Torment asks: What does one life matter?

Numenera's Ninth World is a fantastic vision of a world in which massive civilizations have risen and fallen - disappeared, transcended, overwhelmed, or destroyed - and left their cities, monuments, and artifacts behind. As each rose and fell, their achievements became part of the accumulated detritus of eons... but much of it did not decay. And now this assortment of ancient power is there for the taking, ever-present, underfoot. The humans of the Ninth World take and use what they can. They call these wonders (and horrors) the numenera.
One of these humans discovers a way to use the numenera to grow strong, to cheat death, to skip across the face of centuries in a succession of bodies. But he discovers an unexpected side effect: You.

Torment™ is a game of complex and nuanced morality, deep and reactive choice and consequence, and immersion into a new and strange vision. You will chart a course through bizarre dimensions, across the face of a vastly different world. You will earn companions along the way, and discover their value - perhaps through their strengths, perhaps more literally by selling them. Throughout it all, you will choose a path that will lead inexorably to an ending that stems naturally from your actions, facing adversaries who harness powers beyond your comprehension, and who will ultimately force you to face yourself and answer the question: What does one life matter?

KICKSTARTER (financiado na totalidade)

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Data de Lançamento:
28 - Fevereiro - 2017
Última edição:
Post-Planescape: Fargo Reveals The Future Of Torment

Rumours have been swirling for years about a possible sequel to Black Isle’s legendary and powerful roleplaying game Planescape: Torment, but the closure of the original studio and the jealous guarding of the Planescape rights by owners Wizards of the Coast seemed to have put paid to any comeback. But with original Interplay boss Brian Fargo very much back in the RPG business with current studio inXile’s wildly successful Wasteland 2 crowdfunding, everything changes. He and his team have come up with a way to make a new Torment game: this is really happening. And there was much rejoicing.

Read on for details of its new setting, the people involved, whether it’ll link to the original game, which thematic aspects will recur, how the combat may work and how they’ll get it made.
First up, the new setting for this new Torment will be Numenera, an original roleplaying setting and system created (and recently Kickstarted by) Monte Cook, a contributing writer/designer on the original Planescape pen and paper RPG and assorted other Wizards of the Coast projects. A mix of fantasy and sci-fi with a strong focus on storytelling freedom, it may not be Planescape but hopefully it offers an appropriate blend of liberty and strangeness for a new Torment game. Have a look at its site for fulsome details of what’s planned for it. Here, meanwhile, inXile boss Brian Fargo sheds a whole lot of light on what the partnership means for his studio’s Torment sequel.


RPS- I know he revealed it back in August and seemed to have a ton of groundwork done already, but is Monte Cook’s Numenera setting being designed with a Torment game in mind to any extent? Will you guys have a chance to shape his plans for that as you’ll be working together?

Fargo: The wheels for the Torment game have been in motion for quite some time. The more we explored the Numenera setting, the clearer it became that it’s a natural fit for a Torment game. And it isn’t too surprising that Numenera’s aesthetics work well for Torment given that Monte was a key designer for the Planescape setting.

Numenera is very exotic and rich, but is a flexible universe that empowers and support *****. As Torment desires certain locations or features, we’ll be able to do what we need to while fully respecting the setting. This goes beyond a typical licensing arrangement as Monte will be giving us direct input and even provide writing for some of the game areas. I’m really pleased to have Monte be part of the team.

RPS – What are the stand-out aspects of Numenera for you, in terms of suiting your dev plans? How much is about the setting and how much the roleplaying mechanics?

Torment: Tides of Numenera nabs original Planescape: Torment composer

inXile has announced its Torment game in development with Planescape Torment designer Monte Cook will be titled Torment: Tides of Numenera. The firm also announced that original Planescape: Torment composer Mark Morgan will create the game’s soundtrack.

Set in Cook’s Numenera universe, the title is currently in pre-production with the “story outline, design sketches of the major characters, and thematic concepts defined,” and while combat mechanics are still being hashed out, the team is looking at “real-time with pause.”

The team is also considering taking the project to Kickstarter after the success of Wasteland 2.
Parece-me muito bem. Gostei muito da ligação com o pessoal da Obsidian do Project Eternity com os quais vão partilhar tecnologias e escritores. Também fiquei contente em saber que muitos dos que participaram no Planescape Torment original vão estar presentes neste projecto.

Já contribui o que podia, espero que consigam alcançar os 4.5 milhões que se propuseram no último update, o screenshot e o último video com um suposto vislumbre do jogo também estão muito prometedores. Entre este, o Wasteland 2 e o Project Eternity assim como o recente Baldurs Gate Enhanced Edition e o futuro Baldurs Gate 2 Enhanced Edition avizinham-se bons tempos para os fãs dos rpgs clássicos.
O UI durante os diálogos está mesmo muito parecido ao do Planescape: Torment. Também conseguiram capturar o mesmo 'feeling' no que diz respeito ao ambiente e música. Ter o mesmo compositor ajuda, eh.

Não tenho seguido o Torment (ao contrário do Pillars of Eternity) por isso fiquei muito surpreendido quando vi esse vídeo. As animações ainda são um pouco rudimentares, mas tendo em conta que só deve sair para fins de 2015 estou bastante confiante.
De acordo com o anúncio da inXile entertainment, o jogo vai ser lançado em Early Access na Steam dia 26 de janeiro, sendo já disponibilizado aos participantes do Kickstarter durante esta semana.

Também foram adiantados detalhes sobre a versão de Early Access:

The beta will start you right in the beginning of the game and is quite lengthy for an early beta. It covers the game's introductory sequence (some of which you may have already seen a portion of in the alpha) as well as most of the first major location of the game, Sagus Cliffs. Sagus is a very old city that was built on top of ancient structures that predate the return of humanity to the Ninth World. It's split into five main districts: Circus Minor, Cliff's Edge, Caravanserai, Government Square and the Underbelly. As you might expect from a city location, it is rich in lore to discover, characters to talk with and obviously quests to complete!

Fonte: Kickstarter de Torment: Tides of Numenera
Última edição:
Já estive a ver uns vídeos no YouTube e mantém o mesmo nível do Planescape: Torment no que diz respeito a volume de texto. Para quem está interessado (especialmente que participou no Kickstarter disto) ou sabe ao que vem são excelentes notícias. Acredito é que não vá cativar jogadores com pouco tempo para jogar ou quem goste de coisas mais imediatas.
Além do texto, creio que a mecânica de jogo também terá uma acentuada curva de aprendizagem porque o sistema de classes e a evolução da personagem não segue o tradicional em RPGs.

Algo que até agora não me convenceu muito é o combate... Em boa verdade o combate do Planescape: Torment também era fraco (embora não fosse por turnos), portanto até nisto é um bom sucessor espiritual eh.

Ainda bem que terei as expansões de Pillars of Eternity (ainda não joguei a 1a) e a nova expansão de Baldur's Gate para me entreter até este jogo sair.
O jogo já saiu e estranhamente até está a ser recebido. Digo estranhamente porque as últimas semanas têm sido polémicas com a descoberta que várias stretch goals do crowdfunding foram cortadas da versão final.

Já o saquei, mas ainda estou a acabar um playthrough do Pillars of Eternity. Se alguém pegar nisto diga de sua justiça.
A impressão que me deu foi que o jogo é mais aventura que propriamente um RPG, Planetscape tinha muito diálogo mas haviam mais opções.
As animações de movimento são um bocado lentas e tutoriais irritam sempre, de resto não parece mau.