PC/Mac Total War: Rome II (Creative Assembly, Sega)

Pure Anarchy

Sega and The Creative Assembly have announced a sequel to Rome: Total War, under development for PC at the developer's studio near London and set for a 2013 release.

This marks another return to the series' origins after last year's sequel to Shogun: Total War - the original Rome: Total War was released about eight years ago. Creative Director Mike Simpson claims that the studio is pushing the Total War vision to breaking point: "From the immense reach of the sandbox campaign right down to the human-level drama of a single warrior on the battlefield, we’re aiming for an unprecedented level of detail and scale”.

Ficam aqui alguns detalhes:

Shogun 2 was set in narrow geographical areas, with limited sets of units - a comparatively small scale to what's being intended with Rome II. It was designed with a focus on game systems, such as engine polishing and improvements to unit pathing.
With that in place, Rome II is going big - it's bigger than Rome 1 in geographical scale.
The game's key design vision is in taking players from a macro to micro scale, such as jumping from a campaign map to a single unit.
Despite that focus, Rome II is still attempting to make its macro scale bigger - we're guessing the senate will play a large part of that, but Creative Assembly won't say just yet.
As you rise through the ranks, your success will attract less-than-favourable responses from some of your friends. You will almost definitely get betrayed. There's "more human-level drama on the campaign map" in Rome II.
The bigger campaign map has "hundreds" of regions to move your units around, but the game buckets them into provinces to make management easier. The idea is to have you thinking about armies and legions rather than fiddling around with individual units.
Ultimately, the game will allow you to decide whether to favour the republic or become Rome's dictator.
The game's cameras have been redesigned. You can now lock the camera to single units. In this mode it functions like a sort of documentary cam, shaking while the unit walks – it's "a soldier's eye view" according to Creative Assembly.
The demonstration takes place with a scenario set during the Third Punic War, which took place during 149BC to 146BC. The scenario here is the Siege of Carthage.
Rome II: Total War features a new graphics engine, which features particle and deferred lighting.
The game can now combine naval and land battles into the same conflict, including naval invasions: in this demo a Roman ship lands on the coast of Carthage.
Naval units now have more than one ship per unit.
Though expected, we see catapults and ballistae being put to good use.
The demo has a big focus on Roman siege towers, and the snap-to unit camera takes the view of the game inside the siege tower itself.
Conflicts take place over much bigger environments - much of Carthage has been recreated in the demo. To accommodate this extra scale, the game now features a top-down tactical map.
There are multiple ways to capture cities. Walls can be reduced to rubble after they've sustained enough damage, for instance. It's designed to create cat-and-mouse gameplay: "You're not just sitting in the plaza once the walls are breached trying to defend that one area"
There's a real oomph when units engage, with walls of shields colliding.
The new graphics engine can show some impressive fidelity for a game of this scale. We can clearly see that Cathage's walls have graffiti.
Buildings crumble in the background as Carthage deploys its war elephants and the demo ends.
The unit camera has been designed so the game feels like it's "almost Saving Private Ryan at the beaches".
Each unit has its own facial animations, and leaders bark out a stream of orders throughout. each confrontation.
Units react to things, such as their colleagues being slaughtered - the idea is that these aren't idenikit clone armies anymore.
Algumas previews:
Rock, Paper, Shotgun



Live action trailer
Wow, deve ser mesmo épico :) É o meu RTS favorito, visto que gosto muito da época em que decorre. Ainda nem acabei o primeiro, porque me perdia em batalhas :D

O live action trailer está muito porreiro!
wow grande notícia mesmo! A segunda imagem revela um novo pormenor na saga Total War, a confirmar, de que as cidades da Antiguidade serão recreadas com grande detalhe nesta nova versão! Nessa imagem, a cidade antiga de Cartago, a minha preferida da Antiguidade, com os seus dois portos artificiais (250.000m3 removidos para a sua construção o que, dadas as 'ferramentas' da época é algo de extraordinário). Em primeiro plano, o porto comercial rectangular. Em segundo plano, o porto militar circular com capacidade para mais de 200 embarcações de guerra. Ao fundo, a lendária colina de Byrsa. Espero ver do outro lado da cidade, no único acesso por terra à cidade, a famosa tripla muralha com 15m de altura e acomodações para 300 elefantes de guerra, 4.000 cavalos e 20.000 soldados!

Mas o que mais anseio é sem dúvida voltar a liderar o 'pequeno' exército do grande Aníbal Barca, para mim o general mais brilhante de todos os tempos, que com os seus elefantes de guerra e guerreiros ibéricos atravessaram os Alpes em pleno Inverno e praticamente sozinhos mataram mais de 300.000 soldados romanos, destruíram mais de 400 povoações romanas e permaneceram invictos em solo romano por mais de 16 anos. Isto tudo, infelizmente, sem receber reforços quer da sua própria nação, Cartago, ou dos seus aliados ibéricos, macedónios ou sicilianos.

Boa opção da Creative Assembly em voltar ao período bélico mais interessante da História e à mecânica que mais favorece o motor de jogo da CA, desta vez com batalhas navais incluídas também.
Será que é desta que temos um jogo de Total War com as batalhas navais sem matar toda a gente de tédio? :D
O M F G!

Sou um enorme fã da série (o shogun foi o primeiro jogo que comprei e foi o franchise que, de longe, mais horas joguei) e só hoje soube que iam lançar um rome novo!!

Vou comprar um pc de propósito para isto! Estou literalmente :001:!!!
requisitos recomendados (foi-me colado em chat por isso não tenho fonte)

CPU – 2nd Generation Intel® CoreTMi5 processor (or greater), or AMD equivalent
MEMORY – 2GB RAM (XP), 4GB RAM (Vista / Windows7)
VIDEO – AMD Radeon HD 5000 and 6000 series graphics cards or equivalent DirectX 11 compatible graphics card
OTHER DETAILS – 1280×1024 minimum screen resolution

After His Battle With Cancer, a Fan Gets a Memorial in Total War

Shortly after his visit to get a very early preview of Total War: Rome 2 last year, a 24-year-old gamer named James died, taken by liver cancer in the prime of his life. Eurogamer reports that Total War studio Creative Assembly was so touched by the short time it spent with James that his image will be included as a soldier in the game.
