iPhone Transferir dados android para iphone 7


Power Member
Boas. Sou noob nestas andanças e a maria comprou um iphone 7 (tinha um Note 4 android). Como posso passar toda a informação para o iphone, isto é: fotos, videos, contactos, sms.
Use your Google account (advanced)
For belt and braces, and to make sure this process always works in future, consider doing the following, either on your iPhone after you've followed the steps above, or on your Android before you make the move:

  1. Open the Settings application on your iPhone.
  2. Select Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
  3. Select Add Account...
  4. Select Other.
  5. Select Add CardDAV Account.
  6. Fill out your account information in the following fields:
    Server: Enter "google.com"
    User Name: Enter your full Google Account or Google Apps email address.
    Password: Your Google Account or Google Apps password. (If you've enabled 2 Step verification, you’ll need to generate and enter an application-specific password.)
    Description: Enter a description of the account (such as Personal Contacts).
  7. Select Next at the top of your screen.
  8. Make sure that the "Contacts" option is turned to ON.
After you've completed the setup process, open the Contacts app on your device, and syncing will automatically begin begin your iPhone and Google. Any time you set up any smartphone Google should hold the key to all of your contacts.
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