Trocar Xp 32bit por 64bit


I'm cool cuz I Fold
Já sei que já existem aqui mtas threads a falar sobre os prós e contras de trocar o XP pelo XP-64bit, pelo que venho aqui apenas anunciar que até 31 de Julho a Microsoft está a fazer um programa de upgrade, para quem tenha uma licença válida do XP 32 bit gratuitamente para XP 64 bit.

Purchasing technology can be frustrating—the minute you buy something, the new version becomes available. We understand this frustration and have created a program in cooperation with our partners to help alleviate it.

The Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Technology Advancement Program enables customers who have purchased Windows XP Professional (32-bit) to exchange it for Windows XP Professional x64 Edition. You will need to have an x64 processor (the AMD Athlon 64, AMD Opteron, Intel Pentium 4 with EM64T, or Intel Xeon with EM64T) to run the new software.

Note: Orders for the Technology Advancement Program must be placed by July 31, 2005.

Since many of our partners are taking part in this program, you should check your PC manufacturer's Web site to see if they support the exchange on your x64 computer. Customers who are currently supported by a system builder or OEM and choose to exchange Windows XP Professional (32-bit) for Windows XP Professional x64 Edition via any means other than their PC manufacturer may void support with their PC manufacturer. If they support the program, your PC manufacturer will be able to provide you with a CD that includes all of the right drivers and software specific to your computer. If you built your PC yourself or have purchased it through a system builder, you can make the exchange through the link to the right.

Mais info aqui :
Eu já usei no meu o XP x64 (beta2) e posso atestar a excelente estabilidade e velocidade do SO.
Contudo, tenham em atenção que ao trocar de versões, perdem o direito à licença 32bit, e isso pode significar que mtos programas não vão funcionar em x64, pois possuem código 16bit, mesmo que o resto seja 32bit.