Ubuntu 7.10 - problema a instalar


Power Member

Tou a ter um problema a instalar o Ubuntu 7.10, e no fórum do ubuntu ninguém responde. Vou pôr aki uma cópia do post k fiz no fórum, peço a alguém k me diga onde é k tou a errar.

Hi, i'm trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 in a virtual machine i created in virtual box but im having some trouble.

At the 7.10 install process i created the partitions manually. I ceated a ext3, the type i selected was primary memory, and the location of the partition was "beginning". i also set the mount type to "/".

Then i created a swap, the type i selected was logical memory, and the location once again was "beginning". I couldnt change the mount type, so i did nothing about that.

In the end the ext3 memory device was /dev/sda1 and the swap memory device was /dev/sda5.

Until this point everything was ok, and i started the installation process.

Everything was ok until it got to 5%. When the system was "formatting swap space in partition #5 of SCSl1 (o,o,o) (sda)..." i got an error message saying "The creation of swap space in partition #5 of SCSl1 (o,o,o) (sda) failed"...

What am i doing wrong?
Antes de responderem por favor tenham em conta que sou muito noob em linux e a criar partições no disco.

P.s: Perdoem o mau Inglês lol
